Seven weeks post op full hysterectomy. Still struggling and uncomfy trying to build up with things but soon exhausted. Had significant scarring numerous other ops with scarring pouch of Douglas obliterated by scarring and significant endometriosis. Anyone else been like this, it's taking forever to even feel any better.
Full hysterectomy : Seven weeks post op... - Endometriosis UK
Full hysterectomy

it can be a long process and take time. I had a full hysterectomy in 2022 and was expecting to be back on my feet and ‘back to normal’ 8 weeks later - not so!
Your body has been through so much just to get to this point so it’s probably telling you that you need to rest.
I think it took me a good 4 months to get back to some basic tasks but more likely about a year to start feeling like myself again.
But don’t let that get you down. I can hand on heart say that today I feel fantastic! More like a 30 year old than an (almost) 50 year old!!
It just takes time, so try to take some pressure off yourself. Hope you start to feel better soon x
Poppy, I had surgery on the 17.09.24 and have had many complications after it. Feeling the same way as you.
Mentally I’m feeling better, so much so that I decided to accompany my husband for the weekly shop on Friday (thinking I can start to plan my return to work); however, my body and mind were not in sync and although the shop only took an hour, once home I couldn’t move for the rest of the day! So frustrating.
I’m fed up with my family saying do more as when I do I end up uncomfortable/ worn out!
Also frustrated with the lack of aftercare and lack of support with hormone advice…
I think the fact the surgery information leaflets state you should feel better after 4 weeks means that people have unrealistic expectations for your recovery- we are all different and after two weeks I was feeling fantastic but then the complications kicked in…
Anyway, like 12345678 writes, though I’m still struggling, I’m happy to know the endo has gone as once I’m 100%, I am confident that it will give me a new lease of life rather than a 1/2 life of pain and last minute cancellations of plans.
To remain positive, I am celebrating the little things such as getting out of a tracksuit, to walking a few steps further each day.
Good luck with everything - we will get better we just need to remember to do at our own pace. 🌺
Thank you so much for replying my surgery was 23.09, I keep trying I go out in the car with my husband just to shop etc then I'm exhausted uncomfy and can't do much. I keep going back to leggings as they are so comfy. My stomach sorts of burns all over and it feels quite sharp achey up inside and radiators to my groin every so often. I've no follow up no advise re hrt either and to be honest I am going to try and manage without it as I'm so scared of the endo coming back and not having a plan b. My stomach is still quite swollen but improving slowly. Other people don't understand when they don't have the condition do they good job as it's so painful and debilitating that you wouldn't wish it on anyone else. Take care onwards n upwards! 😊Xx
Any advice on how to cope with the drop in hormones? It’ll be 51 in December and had a regular period cycle until my total hysterectomy. I’d rather not take HRT but unsure how to manage without it. 😳
Im looking into different vitamins started on vitamin d already take cod liver oil and tumeric. I'm wondering what else to take too I've been reading about magnesium tablets and have a friend who swears by them. My take on it is eventually you have to come off her so will have the withdrawal then so why start? It's hard to know what to do for the best. Also such mixed ideas about her and endo. 😊
I had a really tough time after my hysterectomy and ovaries removed as a general gynae did it and didn’t remove all endo. I don’t want to worry you at this stage as it is still early days but I knew from the beginning something wasn’t right and it was because endo hadn’t been fully removed so it grew into the vaginal vault.
If you genuinely aren’t improving in a few months then do please look to get some further help. I had a transvaginal ultrasound with someone trained to spot endo and they found it had been sewn into the vaginal vault - that’s created when your cervix is removed - and I had to have 3 further ops to excise all the endo at a bsge centre.
As to HRT the ESHRE guidance is to take combined and continuous - progesterone and oestrogen every day. Tibolone is often first choice as low dose and just a tablet a day.
It’s not so much about the symptoms you feel hrt also protects the bones and heart and there’s more evidence it can prevent dementia too.
Hi,You are not alone. I am around 7 weeks post total lap. hysterectomy with one ovary preserved, and still in recovery. From my experience, we need time to heal and listen to how our body is responding to getting back to daily activities.
For some, they bounce back on their feet quicker, others not so quick. There are lots of factors to be considered: age, type of hysterectomy, co-morbidities, post-op complications ( if they occur) and how many procedures were done, e.g., excision of endo, ureterolysis, adhesiolysis, etc.
After my surgery, I was readmitted twice within two weeks. I developed a 10 cm haematoma and I am still bleeding ( 5 weeks on, though bleeding has reduced). I was placed on iv antibiotics, then oral antibiotics and iron tablets.
I underestimated the recovery period especially when they say '4 week recovery'.
I feel post op support is not great. I have to make appointments to see my doctor to dicuss concerns, call 111 or attend A&E. My post-op gynae appointment is in January ( my thinking is this should happen 6 weeks after surgery not months🤷♀️). But I know the NHS is overworked.
I had to reach out to The Endometriosis Foundation as I was feeling out of sorts. They offer a free Holland and Barrett nurse online call. After speaking with the nurse, what stuck with me was give yourself grace and everyone's recovery is unique. I found this reassuring. That's what I am doing, being patient and realistic with my recovery. Another support that was offered was for menopause. I am looking forward to this.
In all of this, I am grateful because I am here. I am grateful to the medical team, they were kind. I am trying to stay positive, look after my self, seek medical support as required while recovering.
I hope and pray your recovery journey goes well and everyday is a good day to celebrate life.
Do take care🙏