Bowel Problems...: Hello everyone, I think... - Endometriosis UK

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Bowel Problems...

LivvyCat profile image
13 Replies

Hello everyone,

I think I already know the answer from other posts, so sorry for repeating, but I get so confused over the symptoms I get and I'd like to see what you think.

I had a lap 15 years ago and was told I had adhesions between my uterus and bowel and I believe it was treated. I had two kids since and have a mirena coil so have had long stretches without periods.

I've been constipated for the last year at least. I don't get any urge to go and it can be a week or more between movements. Stool softeners don't work and I need to take dulcolax to get things working. I also get bad endo like cramps when I go to the toilet. I had an upset stomach a few days ago and it was so bad I thought I was going to pass out.

Do you think this is the endo? 😬

Lots of love xx

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LivvyCat profile image
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13 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Hello you described me in your post. I also can’t go without Dulcolax but had the most horrendous episode in the early hours of the morning a few weeks ago when this pill was working its magic. I thought to myself I would rather die that go through this pain, it was unbelievable. I have adeno and endo. I believe my bowel problems are related to adenomyosis according to my gynaecologist. I’m waiting to see a specialist once again at the bowel clinic. Sorry I can’t offer more advice x

LivvyCat profile image
LivvyCat in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thank you, that is so helpful 😊 I've had endo since I was 15 but haven't ever been able to talk to anyone about it. Reading about the bowel stuff was a definite light lightbulb moment for me. Thank you for the support xxNow to get the Dr to listen...🙄🙄🙄

Cocoacupid profile image

hun this just like me but my symptoms worsened about four years or more ago the doctor said I think it’s just that you take these tablets that slow your bowel down etc and was dismissed but two years ago started every month I would get severe diarrhea between severe constipation was told I had Ibs but this was more severe than any other symptoms I had had. Then I would be running to the toilet as had this urge but sometimes couldn’t even go. I’m having surgery a week today on my bowel having a bowel resection and also bits taking higher up my bowel. Since going into a medical menopause have just had the severe constipation only. It’s like I can’t push any more and I like you drop my blood pressure on the. Toilet and am close to passing out. So yes there is a possibility that endo is back on the bowel. Unless you have chrons / ulcerated colitis / diverticulitis or Ibs because of the inflammation that has occurred over the last 15 years. Please get yourself an endo specialist make sure they do an mri before another lap xxx

Lilac_10 profile image


I also suffer with constipation. Other than period pains it’s one of my most painful symptoms as it can cause me excruciating pain. Sometimes I struggle to go despite having the urge too. I once had to take the day off work because it was so bad I couldn’t get off the toilet despite nothing happening. I received my diagnosis of endometriosis a few weeks ago - my consultant said she believes my endo was/is causing my bowel problems (it was found on my bowel) so given your diagnosis I guess it could potentially be causing yours too? They may want to do other tests first but my advice would be to go to your GP being very direct saying you’ve got endometriosis and you think it’s now affecting your bowels. I have been round in circles over the past 8 months at the doctors with my bowel problems (around 6 visits) and no one ever connected the dots other than my gynaecologist, who I was referred to over something completely different. Everyone else brushed it off.

I tried Dulcolax years ago and always found it to give me diarrhoea and terrible cramping in my stomach as it got working. Have you tried Laxido sachets? Although not a long term fix, I’ve found them to be the best at helping me go regularly without giving me cramping or diarrhoea. You can buy a box of them at the pharmacy - My GP recommended them. X

LivvyCat profile image

I honestly had no idea that bowel problems were so common with endo and I'm so sorry that you all have to go through this too. It's such an horrible disease and getting others to understand how excruciating the pain is can be close to impossible 😩

Faylen34 profile image

I have been told I have ibs and constipation issues for about 20 years of my life since I was 11 years old. These issues have worsened as I've got older and the pain sometimes is so bad I cannot move. Now I am going through my endo journey the gyno consultant suggested that it was because of my gyno issues triggering off the bowel problems. Quite draining process but seems to be linked for a lot of people.

Lily1986 profile image

I’m sorry to say but I have exact severe bowel endo with everything attached (awaiting bowel resection/ stoma surgery) and unfortunately I have similar issues.

The majority of the time I have to take Laxido every evening (2-3 sachets) and even then it often doesn’t fully work.

Other times, I get a lot of urgency and have to find a toilet immediately and then barely anything comes out (sorry tmi).

Either way it causes significant pain.

Apparently it’s to do with the adhesions and Endo kinking the bowel and also the nerves in that area being highly irritated and damaged so they don’t work anymore.

I too have had surgeries in the past to separate everything and excise disease, removed left ovary and both tubes but disease returns worse after each surgery.

I’ve also found by instruction of a dietician following a low fibre/ residue diet has helped a lot. Apparently intestines are too scarred and damaged to process fibre (I was struggling to go to toilet at all even with laxatives before I did this diet).

Best wishes to you, feel free to message me anytime. ❤️

LivvyCat profile image
LivvyCat in reply to Lily1986

Really not tmi 🙈 it all answers a lot of questions I didn't know I had.... I've normalised a lot of it as its been there so long.

Diciembr profile image

Hey! So I also suffer of Endo and I have always struggled with constipation. I was told it was IBS before, but now that my endo diagnosis has been confirmed I guess it’s related. After chatting to my gastroenterologist, I was recommended vitamins instead, and they did help. The change doesn’t happen inmediately, but they worked and I was going a few times a week which already is massive progress for me. I take psyllium husk, you can try the powder but I prefer the capsules. Drink plenty of water when taking them.The other one I was recommended is Magnesium Citrate. So I alternate, I do 3 months with one and then I swap.

I also eat 2 or 3 prunes everyday if possible.

Hope this helps 😌

LivvyCat profile image
LivvyCat in reply to Diciembr

Thanks 🙂 I'll try some of these while I work up the enthusiasm to get a GP appt 🤦🏻‍♀️

Sparkles2000 profile image

Hi I just wanted to say I’m on the same page as everyone else. I’ve only been diagnosed with fibriods.. adeno and endo in the last few months properly. But I’ve spent 15 years back and forwards to bowel clinic.. and no amount of laxatives or any treatments have helped my constipation it’s worse than ever now. I’ve been diagnosed with all sorts including obstructed defecation syndrome at one point .. it’s unreal. I would say only now I’m being so careful with my diet.. wheat .. dairy and actually to much fibre can make you so uncomfortable. Also drink water religiously as dehydration added to the endo is so painful and yes the low residue diet is less painful when going to the toilet. I’m in a medical menopause.. now.. I can’t look at food without worrying about it travelling through my system .. Go see your GP and ask for help as getting the right info for you is so important ..

LivvyCat profile image

I don't know a lot about nutrition and always thought that fibre would help. I've had other health issues (breast cancer & PTSD) that have taken up more of my time but I really need to focus on this now especially as it is slowly getting worse.

Horsing_Around profile image

I'm a Dietitian with endo, awaiting third lap shortly.

I had some bowel symptoms initially with it but now my issues are mostly bladder related.

If the bowel symptoms have returned post laproscopy then the endo may have returned and need to reconsider another lap which I appreciate is difficult.

There is some scientific evidence for using the low FODMAP diet specifically for helping the endo bowel symptoms.

Coeliac disease should be outruled firstly with GP simple blood test 94% accurate results obtained from it, gastroscopy is gold standard but not often accessible.

The success rates are approx 70% for wind, pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea when under guidance of a fodmap trained Registered Dietitian. I'm certainly not touting for business here, I'm just genuinely sharing the scientific facts. see Ireland, in UK for a registered dietitian in your area privately or you may be able to access a fodmap trained dietitian via public health service. Average time on the exclusion phase is 4 weeks, average time for significant symptom improvement is 2 weeks but can take longer depending upon clinical presentation. Followed by a reintroduction protocol to determine trigger foods. Triggers are often delayed esp for bloating, wind and constipation - up to 3 days later hence really need the guidance of a professional to obtain proper guidance of the diet and support for the reintroductions.

Hope this is helpful info for some ;)


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