To start - I know I have endo in my pouch of Douglas, and that my womb is stuck to my bowel.
Just had my weeks bleed off the pill, took 2 days to start, started off light pink !and by the 5th day it was very heavy and very fresh and basically up until day 7 it was just getting heavier and then I took my pill again and it's gone from pink to dark. (Now on day 3 of the pill). Only managed one bowel movement during my period which was fine, but after going to the toilet I had the stabbing pain whenever I Sat, walked with too much bounce in my step or anything of the sort. Usually this goes within a few hours so I thought nothing of it other than an inconvenience. That was day 4.. I haven't had a bm since but the pain is still there, I am massively constipated can't even pass gas! And when I do manage it just sparks up more pain! Today I tried to go, managed to get a little out but now I feel horrendously bloated - worse than before which I didn't think was possible I thought I'd reached my limit for non-food related bloat haha. And I also feel very sick and have a massive headache with heavy eyes. I struggled to get to sleep last night as every time I moved I felt pain but I still did manage and was hoping they pain would be gone by the time I woke.
I've had a hot drink in the hopes it helps move things along (as that's what a dietician told me like 2 years ago when it was still absurd for my problems to be gyne related as it had been dismissed by the gyne)
I just want to know other people's experiences with similar endo spots, and also some advice would be amazing haha I also want to know if I should ask about the chances of endo being inside my bowels.. as I've always had so many problems with my bowels etc from fissures, to not going for weeks at a time and more recently what I believe to be a hemerrhoid or however you spell it.. as it popped out and surprised me about 2 weeks ago as I felt when I wiped... and then again in the bath as something felt funny down below.. I feel like although this lap has helped with diagnosis... I haven't felt any relief from what they did remove and many of my problems have gotten so much worse especially involving my bowel.
I'm just so tired of it all now 😣