Good morning lovelies!
I just wondered if anyone had any sources that support the presence of cold sensitivity in those who have endo/adeno. I did see a study a while back but haven't been able to find that one since.
I have been diagnosed with adeno and am awaiting a 2nd lap in a few weeks to determine if endo is present - my consultant thinks it's highly likely. I have always been aware of changes in temperature as I'm a highly sensitive person anyway (HSP) but in recent years I have struggled continuously with staying warm in a shared office. I have even been known to have hot water bottles and wear a coat and fingerless gloves in the height of Summer which has been met with laughing, teasing, unhelpful comments or other people thinking I can just being difficult (yes, I'm aware that's a separate issue to address with HR).
If anyone has adeno/endo and also struggles with this I would love to know. Also, if anyone has any links to info or studies that support cold sensitivity as a symptom I would love to read these.
This platform has been so helpful in my journey so far and I appreciate every one of you. Thank you in advance.