Just looking to hear any positive stories of women who have conceived with endo & adeno and what worked for you. Feeling very hopeless at the moment!!
Conceiving with endometriosis & Adenomyosis - Endometriosis UK
Conceiving with endometriosis & Adenomyosis

Hello lovely. I have both and am pregnant. There is hope. I conceived after my zoladex injections had ended.
Have you seen your consultant to ask for advice? X
Could I ask about zoldex does it interfere with conception ?
Thanks so much for your reply. I am seeing a consultant who performed a laparoscopy & excision surgery, I am starting clomid next cycle and then iui/ivf if that doesn’t work. All my blood work has been normal which is good. I haven’t heard of zoladex I must do some research on that. Have you been ttc for long? X
Hello Greencupcake, congratulations on your pregnancy. I had my operation last Wednesday so recovering well. The consultant thinks I have adenomyosis and has scheduled a follow up hysteroscopy in 3 months. My last triptoreline injection ( menopause inducing) is due end of dec. The question is how long after zoladex were you able to conceive and was the adenomyosis an issue?
Hello I have stage four unfortunately my reply is not all positive but hopeful I conceived but lost my baby nearly 13 weeks as of yet no explanation for the loss but I’m hopeful I can conceive again if I get the right support and maybe have surgery it helps to change your diet and less stress
Thanks for your reply Afrohair. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I have stage 3 endo & had excision surgery which I do feel has improved my symptoms. I have heard of a lot of people becoming pregnant after laparoscopic surgery so maybe this would be a good option for you. Xx
I am 38, have severe endo (not sure what stage I would imagine 3/4), had my second lap in April to drain cyst and clip one tube, 7 months of Zoladex injections, ICSI fresh transfer in September (failed), frozen transfer in November, now pregnant! I honestly thought it was impossible so don't give up, good luck x
Congratulations with your pregnancy!
I’ve just had a failed transfer and will be having a FET in January. I have stage 3 endo as well. If you don’t mind me asking, what was your protocol for your FET?x

Thanks! It's still so early days but hopefully all will be OK. I've just been on Cyclogest pessaries twice a day and 3 x Progynova tablets, I didn't need to down-regulate because of the Zoladex injections. And we used embryo glue. It's so, so horrible when it fails isn't it, I really hope your FET works, I've heard it often works better when you aren't pumped full of the stimulating hormones as it's more natural x