I was wondering if anyone have any advice/ experience they can share with me please. After years of suffering, I finally had an ultrasound in September on the NHS. When I got there, they told me my bladder was not adequately filled (my own fault!) but they said everything they could see looked normal. After this, I saw a gynaecologist (endo specialist) privately who agreed that I had all the symptoms and listed me for a laparoscopy. I have been procrastinating and getting in my own head about having the surgery (what if nothing is found etc & I am really nervous about going under GA) so I was wondering, should I ask for another ultrasound or an MRI? The gynae consultant I saw didn’t feel this was necessary but I feel can’t help but feel hesitant going straight to surgery after a potentially not very good ultrasound. Please help!! 🙏
advice please! : I was wondering if anyone... - Endometriosis UK
advice please!

Hey there.
My advice would be to have another ultrasound by a specialist in Endo not general gynae. Your other option is a MRI which may help as well to show anything.
I hope this helps. X
Hiya! 😊
I’m in the same position as you. My USS from this time last year was ok from what they could see apart from a small fibroid. I saw gynae cons in January who recommended a laparoscopy. My symptoms have got a lot worse since then so I have actually been made a higher priority and will be going in for it next Wednesday! I wasn’t expecting to be offered surgery without further scans but I assumed they wouldn’t offer the lap unless they thought there was good reason to.
I really do appreciate how you feel. I am also so worried that they won’t find anything and it will be a waste of their time and put me back to square one!! But I think that worry comes from a long time of being fobbed off and not taken seriously. I keep telling myself that something is quite clearly not right as this level of pain is not normal. And if they don’t find anything I will still be a step closer in finding out what’s wrong as it will rule gynae stuff out.
At the end of your day it is entirely your choice whether to go ahead with surgery or not. Could you get in touch with your consultants secretary to discuss your concerns? They may offer you a further scan in the meantime whilst you wait?
I hope this brings some comfort to you. You’re not alone and I think it’s quite common to feel this way.
Take care and I hope you get some answers soon. 💛
Hello! Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate you sharing your experience! I will definitely take your advice and get in touch with the secretary to see if there is any way they would give me further scans / imaging. Good luck for your surgery, I hope all goes well for you 💛
I think I would feel just the same I'm pushing for an MRI at least it's a clear picture and it doesn't seem like all radiographers pick it up at scan point.
hi, have you had any blood tests done specifically CA125 which tests for early signs of ovarian cancer.
Mine was outside the normal range which is normal when you have endo so my GP referred me to a cancer gynaecology clinic at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital. Don't think your bladder needs to be filled because the gynaecologist asked me if I wanted to go to the bathroom before the ultrasound which I did.
Hope this helps and best of luck!