How to get an MRI? : Hello Just wondering... - Endometriosis UK

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How to get an MRI?

CalmTree profile image
7 Replies


Just wondering if anyone has any advice as to how I can get an MRI before I have my first Laparoscopy please?

They’ve been able to diagnose Adenomyosis through ultrasound and want to give me a Laparoscopy for suspected Endometriosis, however my concern is that I have been presenting with bowel related issues for over a year (which is also being looked into separately). I personally believe the bowel issues to be related to the gynae stuff and I also have very sensitive spots in the back hips/tendon area..

I’ve heard that in other hospital trusts I would be offered an MRI before surgery to see whether i would need a bowel specialist present at the laparoscopy? I’m concerned that I’ve already had a big repair job internally after my first child (Third degree tear) and two minor operations in my teens… I’ve also heard that it’s not advisable (or perhaps even possible?) to have so many laparoscopies and I’d prefer to avoid having two rather than one (which is what may end up happening if they go on to discover at a later date that my bowel issues are connected to gynae?)

This hospital apparently very reluctant to give out MRI prior to Laparoscopy - I have my appointment with the consultant today and I feel I might have a battle ahead of me…any thoughts or advice much appreciated!

Thank you 😊

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7 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image

Ask consultant about having an MRI for those exact reasons. I’m sure it is recommended these days. Explain you have bowel issues and think you might need colorectal involvement. You’ve got very valid reasons. I should’ve had colorectal at my hysterectomy but surgeon didn’t and had to have further op. Two weeks after that one gallstones showed on ultrasound so colorectal missed a chronic gallbladder, histology came back as chronic so it had been there a long time. It’s important to make sure they look everywhere. For last op I surprised surgeon and got him to sign what I wanted 😂 don’t be afraid to ask anything.

Let us know how you get on, good luck 🙂

CalmTree profile image
CalmTree in reply to Moon_maiden

Thank you for your reply! So sorry to hear you’ve not had a good experience, I hope you’re recovering well.

After initially dismissing my request for MRI based purely on the fact that it’s not their usual way (they prefer to do laparoscopy then do MRI if anything shows up) he soon changed his mind after examining me 🙄 apparently he could tell my womb was fixed, as if attached to something and not moving as it should! Funnily enough towards the back where it was painful and I have symptoms. So frustrating that our word alone isn’t taken seriously… as if we’re imagining all of these symptoms…’silly women, it’s all in their heads!’ Anyway, at least I now have MRI requested before the laparoscopy 🙂

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to CalmTree


Doesn’t sound good, but unfortunately often the case with this disease. Glad you got MRI sorted and hopefully won’t be too long a wait. Much better than surgeon going in blind.

Be so nice if they took notice, one day maybe!

MangoStickyRice profile image

Hi CalmTree ,

Definitely push for an MRI but make sure the scan is reviewed by an Endo Specialist. I would hate for the scan to be conducted but the results interpreted incorrectly. I'm currently with an Endo Specialist and he explained that, unless conducted and reviewed by the correct people, endo can be missed. This goes for both the scans and the op. Unfortunately, I have already gone through one lap at the end of last year that found nothing but it was with someone who 'had an interest in Endo' (general gynae) 🙁.

Your way of thinking (re bowel specialist and previous ops) makes perfect sense for the requesting of an MRI. I hope they allow you one and that the procedure goes well 🙂.

CalmTree profile image
CalmTree in reply to MangoStickyRice

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply and thanks for the tip re. Gynaes. Unfortunately this is one of the problems I have encountered up until now, there are no specialists where I am, only a general gynae with interest! So I will have to find out how it’s possible to get it reviewed by a specialist Endo person… I imagine this will be the next battle 😩

I really hope you get the answers you deserve now you have a specialist on board, best of luck!

ccfd9 profile image

If it were practical there should be a bowel specialist on call for all suspected endometriosis operations. The last op I had was private by Prof Phillips Koninckx who is one of the best endo specialists in the world. This was in Rome and they automatically had a bowel specialist at hand, which was fortunate as in a previous op they put a filture clip over my ovary to stop the bleeding but they had also clipped it to my bowel,

Things are all packed in and endometriosis causes inflammation which can have different symptoms depending on the location so bowel involvement is not uncommon even if the endometriosis has not infiltrated the bowel. An indication of endyin the bowel is blood in the stool when it’s your period, may need to be tested for as not always visible.

Good luck

Cocoacupid profile image

I’m sorry to hear this. I had my lap prior to mri as it was only a diagnostic lap to find severe endo and a frozen pelvis. I was told that I had die endo. They had to do mri to find how deep and what other organs involved. I’m still waiting for my second surgery but I have been told colerectol team involved as I need a bowel resection and I will need to have injections to stop endo before they go in and also have horrible bowel prep . I have had bowel prep before as had a colonoscopy as they found blood in my poo but as my endo on outside of the bowel and not crohns on the inside. I still get severe symptoms but that is due to Ibs as well thankfully I have been given mebeverine which is helping a bit more with symptoms. But with a frozen pelvis that is why you can alternate between diarrhea and constipation. Sometimes I can’t even empty my bowel properly as I physically can’t push a lot now. As I have like a nerve sensation go up my spin when I do. I was always told in teens Ibs but as I have seen pain clinic dr she said she was sure I had fibromyalgia so I get central pain and other pains for no real reason. And I struggle to walk. I think mri can also depend where you are in the country. But I think to avoid to many surgery’s I would ask for a second opinion. But sometimes I think if they are investaging for pain related issues that’s why they would go in with a lap. Only very deep endo would show on an mri as superficial hasn’t yet penetrated through. But I was also told while waiting for my first lap that pain doesn’t always correlate with the type of endo you have. So superficial can give severe pain whether as more severe deep endo may not always give you pain. But I found for me not the case severe pain but again frozen pelvis gives off severe pain and discomfort as the internal pelvic organs are distorted and fused together with fibros tissue which has its own nerve supply. Maybe voice concerns with gp and also maybe head of the gynea specialist department and explain about your tricky issues with having your first child and you would rather have a mri so you don’t have to unnecessarily go through a lap. But in my opinion I was told after my first lap last April it’s a year or more wait to have my consultant and coleratal specialist to be able to be in the surgery room together as they have to team up together and have mdt meetings. Also I was told for my surgery only one list a month for my type of surgery and loads of other people in the same boat as me. Not very helpful receptionist and she couldn’t even give me my mri results which I had last September am still waiting for them. As I suffer severe anxiety. That could be why the consultant wants to go in first to then know what they are dealing with. But I can see where you are coming from. Is women do have to voice our concerns. Can you take your mum or partner with you to appointments so they can back you up ? Good luck and take care.

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