Looking for any help or advice in managing pain. Im 28 and have been struggling with my periods for years. This past year has been the worst with multiple hospital visits and currently each month on codine, menfamic acid/ buscopane and diclofenac suppository. I am finding that the pain is that intense that I am passing out/fainting/sometimes can't walk.
I have been to the doctors multiple times they said they think its endometriosis but I need a hospital appointment to confirm this. I have been referred to the hospital last year but they have told me its a years wait list to be seen by a gynaecologist. Last month I fainted on my plane travel home which was extremely embarrassing for me even though I had taken my pain killers an hour in advance.
Myself and my husband are ready to try for children but every month I'm struggling with the pain, its affecting my work and the rest of my life.
Any advice on pain management or how to cope with the wait to see a gynaecologist?
Thank you,