Zoladex Injection: Hi 😊 Please could... - Endometriosis UK

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Zoladex Injection

Bread95 profile image
•17 Replies

Hi 😊

Please could anyone share their experiences with the zoladex injection? My gynae has suggested going on it for 6 months with the HRT pill, to help with endo symptoms. I know there can be a lot of bad side affects to taking this and I’ve read about a few bad experiences already, but I’d anyone can help to give a balanced overview of the positives and negatives , I would really appreciate it. 😊

As a bit of background, I had a lap and was diagnosed with endo in August 2023.

How long until you saw results/side affects from zoladex?

Did it stop you periods altogether?

What happens after the initial 6 months? Do you then go onto a pill or does it depend on how effective zoladex was for you?

Was it easy enough to get the injection at your local gp, or did you have to go to the hospital each time?

Thanks in advance 😊

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Bread95 profile image
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17 Replies
mavenmi profile image

It was alright. The main problem for me was with sleep. Despite the HRT I also felt the menopause effects with a bit of stiffness on waking, brain fog and very dry skin, but it was much better than bleeding or pain. I was on it for over a year, and my consultant said that it could be used for several years with no concerns.

Bread95 profile image
Bread95 in reply to mavenmi

Thank you for sharing your experience 😊 With the issues sleeping, did you have insomnia or more night sweats? And did you find the symptoms eased the longer you was on it, or was it similar each month?

Sunset-lady profile image
Sunset-lady in reply to mavenmi

The insomnia is because it overwhelms the pituitary gland in your brain which is responsible for your sleep patterns. It should get better. Try some magnesium x

Lindle profile image

It all depends on how severe the endo is. Do you know what they found and did at the lap?

Bread95 profile image
Bread95 in reply to Lindle

Hi, they said it was mild and they ablated some of it during the lap, so I’m assuming there isn’t loads left to deal with?

Rainbow2468 profile image

Hi I'm on prostrap and no bleeding at all now been on it since September and hopefully will be staying in it too. No issues at all so far 😊

Pinny27 profile image

I had my first injection saturday and started HRT monday so I'm very new to the experience but so far I've only had aching in my knees and the feeling of being a bit fuzzy brained. Since taking HRT I've noticed both side effects have improved. I had my injection at the hospital but hoping I can get the rest at my gp once the letter from my specialist has been received by them as the nurse wouldnt administer it without the specialists letter.

I dont have periods due to being on the mirena coil and havent had any bleeding as a side effect as yet. I was very anxious about starting the injections and my experience could change negatively but I do feel they are helping my pain already. I told myself to just try it and if I hated it I could stop having them and discuss other options with my specialist. My endo nurse said everyone reacts differently so just bare that in mind when you're unsure of if to try them, for me the pain was so unbearable I was willing to try.

Bread95 profile image
Bread95 in reply to Pinny27

Thanks for sharing. Would you say the HRT helps a lot with the side affects then? Yes, ideally if you can get them at your local gp, it makes it a little bit easier.

How have you found your experience on the coil? (If you don’t mind me asking)

Pinny27 profile image
Pinny27 in reply to Bread95

I should have said I'm on Prostap injections not Zoladex but theyre the same thing 🙈 Ive only been taking HRT for the past few days but my knee pain 2 days after the injection felt like I had weights on them.. I started taking my HRT that day (had to wait for my nurse to OK it) and within the following days its gone. I keep getting moments of feeling a bit like my brains fuzzy but not as bad as when I first had the injection so personally I think the HRT has helped me significantly. I had the mirena coil fitted in nov 2020 and once it had settled in and my periods stopped I was doing amazing for a year until the pain returned but this time in my bowels with spotting. I then had a lap in nov 2022 confirming stage 4 endo including on my bowels. I had excision surgery last june with a bowel resection but unfortunately pain returned after 2 months with a vengence.

Bread95 profile image
Bread95 in reply to Pinny27

Sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with the pain, I know how awful it can be. It does sound like the injection and HRT are helping (so far) which is great! Thank you for sharing, it is helpful to hear other people’s experiences 😊

Sunset-lady profile image

Hi. I'm on zoladex. I get my second injection next week at the hospital as my GP only gives them to men. I'm on it for stage 4 endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids and cysts. I'm hemorrhaging and the idea is that the zoladex will help but it hasn't worked yet. It's common to bleed heavily the first month because zoladex stimulates the ovaries before shutting them down. I'm on normal HRT so I have very few chemical menopause symptoms. Those on Tibolone seem to have more symptoms. Those who are younger with fully functioning ovaries also seem to have more symptoms. Symptoms vary as it depends on what you would be like in menopause. Some women find if tough. I am on continuous utrogeston and estrogen gel but it could be contributing to my bleeding and i need to watch it. The endometriosis consultant was fine about me going onto it though. I've had to fight this month to have my next injection on time - that has been very stressful. Some women stay on zoladex for longer than 6 months as endometriosis clinics can get round the licensing laws but if you are young you'll need a bone scan to keep a check on this. In short, zoladex reacts differently for everyone. You are right to take addback HRT but if it's Tibolone it may not be enough as it doesn't produce a lot of estrogen. Good luck. If you have any questions just ask as I was so undecided about taking it x

Bread95 profile image
Bread95 in reply to Sunset-lady

Wow, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all of that, it sounds intense. Especially if the zoladex isn’t helping you yet - hopefully after the next one you will feel some ease? Does normal HRT help produce more estrogen, is that why you get less symptoms on it?

Thank you for sharing 😊 I think I'm leaning towards taking it, as it’s only for 6 months and if it helps to combat the remaining endo, it’s worth a try?

Sunset-lady profile image
Sunset-lady in reply to Bread95

Yes, depending on your age, you should get less menopause symptoms with normal HRT. if you are on it for pain it could be life changing. I know it's amazing for many women with PMDD too. Women who can't take the addback HRT tend to struggle but saying that, one woman on here is not taking addback and she's thriving. We are all different. If you are doing it prior to surgery then I'd go for it and monitor your symptoms x

Bread95 profile image
Bread95 in reply to Sunset-lady

Oh right, sounds like it could be positive then? Is it better if you’re closer to menopause age, or younger? I had diagnostic surgery in august but don’t want more surgery any time soon if I can help it. Thank you for sharing 😊

Sunset-lady profile image

I think it's better as a treatment if you are near menopause as it could take you through menopause. Sometimes ovaries don't fire up again. This is what I'm hoping for. It can work well for those in pain waiting for surgery. Many young women are on it for this reason.

ForestFi profile image


I'm 6 weeks in to prostap injections, so I've had 2 now. I had both at my GP surgery. I have adenomyosis and fibroids and I had it as a trial to confirm my ovaries need to be removed in my hysterectomy (booked for March), as well as my uterus. So they were looking at pain reduction while on Prostap as a sign that a significant amount of my pain was from the ovaries and not just the womb. I was given HRT patches to use as add back, to see how I would cope with a surgically induced menopause. The first week was awful, with bloating, pain and heavy bleeding with clotting (my usual symptoms). Then the pain went! I have, usually I think, bled for 4 of the 6 weeks I have been on it, but, I'm pain free. I had daily pain but then severe pain every 2 weeks for a week, when I had my period or with ovulation. My prostap use was for a different reason than yours, but the effect it has had on my pain has been a game changer. I am 48, but had very regular periods.

Side effects - My sleep has been restless; I woke at 3.30am every night for the first three weeks and struggled to get back to sleep. This has improved over last 3 weeks. I've had about 3 hot flushes in 6 weeks, so for me the benefits have far outweighed any negatives. Good luck with your journey.

safiyamky profile image

Hi, currently 4 weeks into zoladex mainly for endometriosis and fibroids. Scheduled for a myomectomy in March. I would generally say my number 1 symptom has been the hot flushes. I have them several times a day and they are so bad they often wake me from sleep. But that has only started in the last week. I also have headaches and a week of light heavy bleeding during the first 2 weeks. Can't wait to be off this medication as I've only been prescribed it for 3 months.

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