For those with kids...: Sorry if this is... - Endometriosis UK

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For those with kids...

DarkStar85 profile image
9 Replies

Sorry if this is triggering for anyone ttc. For the ladies with kids how do you manage? I have 3 young kids 5, 7 and 10. I know I'm lucky to have had no fertility issues. Endo/Adeno I believe has been a result of a c section with my third. But how the hell do you manage the pain and worse CONSTANT FATIGUE that comes with this as well as raising humans? I feel like such a terrible mum when I spend days in bed. I feel so weak and useless that I dont have the energy to do all the things I wish I could. And then there's the constant dizziness I'm suffering with at the moment which just makes everything harder. I'm lucky I do have a supportive husband when I'm having to rest he steps up but the majority falls on me. I feel at breaking point with trying to cope with doing everything for everyone. I'm newly Diagnosed and all the treatments and surgery options just seem pointless as so many women are still suffering 😫

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DarkStar85 profile image
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9 Replies
Pennyheart1 profile image


So sorry you are suffering and that it’s just so hard to keep battling through. It is hard. I suffer with tiredness a lot - something no one really understands at all. Even people who are more understanding to the condition still do not get the tired thing - it’s like it’s made up. And they don’t get how long it can go on for.

It sounds like you have a lot to hold together. I have two kids and it can be super hard when tired and suffering with pain and extra trips to the bathroom etc. my husband is too really supportive and I’m so grateful.

When I go through this I remind myself to be kind to myself and that it is not my fault I have this disease that makes me suffer. Nor is it my fault that no one or society really excepts this as a health condition or dare I say - disability. Nor that people do not understand the effect it can have.

I’ve also started being honest with my kids. I haven’t told them I have endo and adeno but I have told them that I have a condition that makes me suffer on my period worse than a normal person and how I hate how it affects me and makes me tired and sore (having hot water bottles and lots of tablets nearby/resting). Any other time - I am reasonably normal and not suffering. This helps them to understand and they become reasonably sympathetic - not jump on me and more patient etc. they are just turned 11 and 8. The other day my daughter turned around when I couldn’t do something as I was apologising and saying I felt bad and she told me not to be so hard on myself! Kids can be amazing and we can often beat ourselves up for not being able to do everything. You may not have the capacity to get and do everything, but for your kids - You are enough.

As for surgery - I had surgery 8 months ago. I am not completely better, but, it has made a significant difference. Reduced pain, reduced bleeding. Surgery can make a positive difference if you chose this.

And - You may have done this - but if dizzy and not checked yet - iron levels…? Can affect tiredness more too.

Hope some of this post helps ❤️

DarkStar85 profile image
DarkStar85 in reply to Pennyheart1

Thanks so much for replying it makes me feel less alone in this! I'm on iron supplements from the gp for low iron but I'm wondering if I need to up the dose. I'm going for bloods soon so I'll ask them to check electrolytes etc.

I feel like I've got a double dose of fatigue as I don't have a thyroid after cancer. My eldest is aware I have a few health issues but but I can't talk to my 2 boys about periods yet 🙈 my daughter is only 5. I often mention about sore tummies but not too much detail. I've only had 2 good days this month so I'm feeling extra sorry for myself. My hormones are all over the place, I feel this horrible internal buzzing sensation it's awful. I'm assuming it must be the 6 cysts causing havic with hormones.

Glad you also have a supportive husband it makes a difference. What surgery did you have? Glad to hear you are feeling the benefit. I'm seeing a gynae next week and getting an Mri. Still not sure the extent of mine yet x

Prettythings1 profile image

I feel your pain I am exactly the same. I have two kids, age 4 and 6

fatigue is horrendous and guilt I’m feeling so tired

DarkStar85 profile image
DarkStar85 in reply to Prettythings1

Sorry you're feeling like this too, it sucks. I hear you with the guilt 😔

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to DarkStar85

we are doing our best so that is all we can do! Stay strong x

LucyAM profile image

Hi. I totally understand too. I have 3 children - 8, 6 and 18 months. I suffer from terrible fatigue with Endo and it’s tough. I feel so so lucky to of been able to have children because at one point I thought it wouldn’t be possible. However, day to day it’s tough. My husband works away a lot of the time and when he is back doesn’t help that much, especially with the youngest. My toddler doesn’t sleep much so it feels 24/7 most of the time. We also have an old dog with medical needs. I get more and more tired and feel like I get more run down and more susceptible to viruses because of Endo/immune system so never really feel that well. I’m afraid I don’t really have any suggestions as I’m struggling too but wanted you to know you are not alone. Any time you want to message me, please feel free. I don’t know about you, but tiredness also affects my mood. This community is so supportive and knowing that does help xx

DarkStar85 profile image

Hi Lucy sorry you're going through this too. It's so hard with 3, especially a toddler. I couldn't handle a dog too, so you've got a lot on your plate. Sorry you're husband isn't helping out as much. My husband works away sometimes too and I find it overwhelming. I feel really guilty as my anxiety comes out as irritation and anger so I'm always snapping at the kids. I need to stop doing as much mid week with sports clubs etc as it's killing me. I'm totally with you with never feeling well. I I've got the flu most days with headaches and sinus pain. The only time I feel great is after a few glasses of wine, but then I feel terrible for days! It's not bloody fair! I wish there was a magic pill to take to give me energy. Thanks, I will msg you. Whereabouts are you based? Xx

LucyAM profile image

Hi, I’m based not too far from York. How about you?

Yes I’m exactly the same! I get anxious and worried I’m going to struggle to cope so I end up getting snappy at the kids and my husband. He doesn’t understand and says just to chill out none of it matters. That’s easier said than done, but when you’re in pain, tired and have it all to do I just can’t chill out!

We don’t do too much after school thankfully as I find the 2 different school runs and playgroups enough. I’m done for usually by teatime and it’s just a trying to get through to bedtime each day after that.

You get tired of feeling tired don’t you. I was on the depo before my third to help control the pain but it affected my mood. I didn’t go back in it as hate being on it but now the Endo is revving up again will have to do something! I hate feeling forced to choose something I don’t want. I just want to be able to let my body just be but that’s not an option with horrid Endo constantly growing!

How has your week been so far? Xx

DarkStar85 profile image

Hey, I'm in Glasgow. York is lovely! Yes I'm definitely tired of being tired! My period came a week early and I've been pretty wiped out. House getting decorated for the past 2 weeks so I'm over it all! Got my first gynae appt on Thursday so hopefully I'll have a better idea of what the treatment plan is. I hate being in limbo not knowing the extent of the endo. Also freaking g out about the raised ca125 blood test.

Don't know if you've tried it but I've found CBD Oil to really help pain. I get it from a company based in Devon called The Tonic. I get 8%, it's organic and can be mixed with a drink. They also do patches which I've found good for bad period back ache. Might be worth a shot as cbd is also supposed to be anti inflammatory. Also helps anxiety and sleep. Hope you have a good week 😊 xx

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