I was diagnosed with endo in 2021, it was removed from my abdominal wall but my pain never fully left. Just 4 months later my symptoms returned and the pain was as bad as it was pre-op. Here I am, 19 months later in significant daily pain. I am signed off sick from work for the 3rd week, and it seems to have increased in severity since I commenced on Zoladex and HRT 2 months ago. My third injection is due next week and I’m absolutely dreading it. The pain is just awful, it’s a pain I can’t describe and nothing helps. I have been on butec slow release patches for around 6 months, along with dihydracodine and etoricoxib. I am now on oral morphine and just feel terrible. If my pain is manageable I feel hungover, nauseous and am awake all night but tired all day. If I don’t take painkillers quick enough I am vomiting, shaking and unable to move from the fetal position and it’s very upsetting for my children to see me like this.
I was placed on the surgical wait list for a hysterectomy in April, I honestly don’t know how much longer I can wait before I take drastic action to end my pain. It’s so bad that I’ve considered injuring myself so that they have to operate! I know it sounds crazy and I’m sure I wouldn’t actually do it but sometimes when I’m in immense pain I will consider anything rational even when it isn’t.
My question is- what happens now? What do I do? If the Zoladex and HRT is causing me this level of pain, will a hysterectomy be any help at all or is it going to make my pain worse? I know it’s not a cure but so many people say it really gives them back a decent quality of life. I’m so depressed and honestly can’t imagine another day of this pain, let alone the rest of my life. I’m desperately close to giving up and the only thing keeping me going right now is my children.
Can I stop Zoladex or will this cause problems with a hysterectomy? Could it be the HRT causing more pain? What are my options? Anyone else had these problems with Zoladex? I’ve heard so many women say it’s great stuff and has stopped their pain so I don’t understand why mine is so awful!!
Thank you for reading this depressing sob story!