I have not yet been diagnosed with endo but pretty sure I have it. I'm perimenopausal and my question is has anybody with endo successfully taken HRT? I feel I really need now due to menopause symptoms being so bad but worried about the oestrogen side making things worse. TIA
Endo and HRT: I have not yet been diagnosed... - Endometriosis UK
Endo and HRT

Yes I do. You can use body identical hormones very successfully but you need both estrogen and progesterone. I use them seperately I use estradot 50 and utrogestan 100. My endo was severe and have had no problems using hrt been using it for 9 years. You really need advice from a menopause consultant ( not a gp or a general gynae) even endo consultants aren't all great at hrt. Your quality of life is very important compared to whether it might or probably not make endo worse.
My other symptoms of menopause are becoming debilitating so feel I really need it. I have the HRT already. I saw a GP that specialises in womens health. A menopause specialist doesn't seem to be a thing where I live unless you private which I cant afford. I have oestrogel and utrogestan and really considering trying
Absolutely try it! It takes a little time to settle so don't give up too early but your quality of life now is what matters! Endo may or may not get worse, it may get better but the menopause won't get better without hrt . Hope this helps If you have estrogel start on the recommended dose and see how you go. You can always reduce it a bit and work up to the dose
With utrogestan if if makes you sleepy or gives you indigestion insert the pearl into vagina at night you get a lot less side effects. Hope this helps and go for it 👍🏻
Thankyou so much I will give it a try because my quality of life currently is pants. Tried it before but was patches and they didn't seem to agree with me so stopped but I'm hoping the gel maybe better as can control the dose easier. Will start on a really low dose of gel and see how I go and I know about the vaginal route with utrogestan although my gp won't recommend it. Your right symptoms just get worse and worse
I’m not sure about endo but was diagnosed with adenomyosis ( endos evil twin!) and they put me on HRT not knowing I had it… the results were horrendous. The estrogen “fed” the adeno which grew rapidly and caused a massive haemorrhage/excruciating pain.
So check it’s not adeno as symptoms are similar!
Hi. I have been taking HRT since autumn. I have oestrogen patches and I take a progesterone pill each night to balance this (I also have fibroids, so my doctor is keen to counteract the oestrogen, which can make fibroids grow, with the progesterone). The HRT has balanced my moods quite significantly and made me feel a lot more human. I found it’s best to seek out the GP at the surgery who specialises in menopause (we also have specialist women’s health nurses at our medical centre, and I’ve found them helpful too). I advise that you keep track of your symptoms and write a list, ready for when you speak to the doctor. The thing I forgot to put on my list was the symptom that bothers me most - brain fog!! Good luck, and if you get an unsympathetic doctor, make another appointment with someone else.
Unfortunately, I had to be put into premenapausal due to my endo flare up via injections. I tried 4 courses and I am not doing it again had a lot of bad side effects with it. I tried hrt patches too to treat my endo nothing bad really came from that but some of the side effects stayed and I decided this isn't helping. Personally, way up side effects before going on any of the treatments if it is to treat the endo.