Nervous for MRI: Hi Ladies, I am due to... - Endometriosis UK

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Nervous for MRI

21 Replies

Hi Ladies,

I am due to have a MRI in a couple of weeks and this may sound silly but I am super scared of confined spaces I get anxious and worry I might start panicking. Do any of you Ladies have any tips to try and be calm? ( I know ive had 3 operations for endos so it should be a piece of cake but after my last operation it was a traumatic recovery and now im scared of hospitals). Any help or tips would be very appreciated x

21 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

I was nervous before my MRI, I placed my hands above my head for the whole 20 minutes, doing that didn’t make me feel so confined to the space. Remember they can see you at all times and speak to you too. Tell them you are scared, I find that helps & they probably hear it all the time. For me it wasn’t as bad as I thought. My head didn’t go fully in either as they were scanning my stomach and I am 5’4”. Good luck 🤞

in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thanks for the reply hopefully my head won't go fully in either they are looking at my lower pelvic area/ lumnber part which i think means the bum area so i might have some adhesions there! xx

PotatoSalad profile image
PotatoSalad in reply to

same! I’m 5’4 and found that looking down towards my feet really helped when I had my eyes open, as it was a lot of open space. Otherwise yoga type relaxation breathing with my eyes shut. My feet were sticking out of the bottom and my head felt very close to the opening at the top. So it wasn’t as claustrophobic as I was expecting if that makes sense? The technicians were incredible too. It also wasn’t as loud as o thought it would be, quite clunky vibration noises.

Good luck! Remember how strong you are and the feeling/experience is only for a short time and then it will be over xx

Justine89 profile image

I was exactly the same as you I had one done a few weeks ago. I get very claustrophobic so I was dreading it. I explained to them whilst I was there that I was worried they reassured me and just told me to close my eyes. You get given a button if you do panic. Honestly I don’t even no what I was scared of it was absolutely fine was nosey but had ear plugs and headphones on and they talk to you through it I’m 5’8 and my head wasn’t enclosed, my hands had to be down by my side had these things put across my tummy and was strapped down. Was for my bowels and abdomen. You got this you will be absolutely fine. Just close your eyes but do tell them how your feeling xx

Hello, I have the same problem. The thought of a mri makes me feel physically sick. I asked for an open mri, and got one aftera wait. I couldn't get in that tube unless unconscious. Ask for a open mri, you just sit on a chair. Good luck x

Crinan78 profile image

Hi, I had my first one a few weeks ago and like everyone says it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I told them I was so nervous and the guys were amazing. They got the nurse to stand at the other end and talk to me while I went through (with eyes closed)and she touched my shoulder as soon as I was through, which was just a few seconds, I kept saying ah ok this isn’t as bad as I thought. My head was out so could see the room and then they put headphones on with the radio playing. They talk to you all the time and it feels like they are right there. Please don’t worry, I found myself thinking of nice places I’d been and before I knew it I was done. The thought is definitely worse than it actually is. They will help you and you will be absolutely fine.xxxx

Yozzer78 profile image

Hi, I'm terribly claustrophobic and needed an mri for a different part of my body last year. I couldn't manage it and so they rebooked it for a later date and gave me diazepam tablets. I took one there, they checked on me 20 mins later but I wasn't ready, so took another. I ended up taking 3 and then getting in all happy 😊. I'm waiting for my mri appointment since seeing my gynea last week and I'll defo be getting more diazepam from my gp. Good luck with yours, and consider having tablets ready in case you can't go through with it, it will save you a delay while they rebook you.

Awwy profile image

Hi I know how you feel. I am due to go for another one.

I close my eyes and pretend I'm somewhere else.

I have been doing deep meditation for a while now so I do a lot of breathing and that relaxes me.

Wish there was another way but its necessary for them to have a complete picture.

Wish you all the best. You will be fine. 💜

Avourneen profile image

You can get an open one in some centres, but I think you might have to pay for that. I am a little bit claustrophobic but can do the MRIs fine now. Tell the staff, they are used to seeing people scared and will be able to help you. I kept my eyes closed and said prayers while I did it but you could do some yoga or mindfullness techniques if you don't pray. I think the trick is to do something repetive in your mind and take your focus off the actual being there.

Maybe try some self hypnosis or meditation techniques before you go and get a bit of practice at shutting the outside world out. Good luck xxx

Ellie1988 profile image

if mri of pelvis, your head is out at all times. They usually ask what music you like and will talk you through each bit along the way. X

Kmc01 profile image

I understand your fears and I felt exactly the same for my first one. I’ve always felt panicky with confined spaces so was DREADING it however it wasn’t as bad as I thought. It’s still confined but bigger than I imagined and if I looked up and back I could see out into the room. I did close my eyes the whole time and listen to music though which definitely helped. I’ve since had a second one and believe it or not I found it quite relaxing! You got this!

G3miniStar profile image

With abdominal MRIs your head of out the whole time, the closest the tunnel gets is probably your chest.

I think they're used to people being nervous so just phone ahead or get there early to allow time to talk to the assistants and tell them your concerns. Last time I had one there was a girl ahead of me who was scared and the scanner allowed her extra time and breaks in between each scan, he counted down for her to when that scan was going to end and made her laugh.

Honestly I do understand your fears, but MRIs are probably physically the easiest and least painful thing we'll do for this disease. You got this! x

in reply to G3miniStar

Hi 👋,

I thought I would update you after your kind reply. I had my MRI today and I was nervous but it went well I told the technician I was anxious and they gave me headphones to listen to music which helped me a lot. The noises the machine makes are funny now got to wait for my results. It made a change to have something pain free I will take that any day of the week living with endometriosis xx

emm27 profile image

Hi, I feel you, I was absolutely petrified. I did not like it at all. They let me lie on my tummy with my head out of the tunnel, put the heavy pad thingy on my lower back and I had headphones, however the noise was bad. I chickened out after about 10 minutes and pressed the ejector button ! It was only as I was getting dressed I realised my knickers had shiny stars on the waistband, metallic thread ffs 😳🙄😂 Panicked that I would have to go through the bloody thing again, then fits of laughter imagining them looking at my starry insides !!

Good luck, it's not as bad as you think xxx

Em_46 profile image

I got some calming medication from the Dr, as like you I don't do confined spaces either, I just took it an hour before the scan and it helped me chill out for the MRI. Also requested that I go in feet first so my head just sticks out which they were able to do.Good luck with the MRI, hope it goes well

in reply to Em_46

Thank you for the reply oh I didn’t know you can go in feet first that might makes things a lot better I think I will ask them if I can do that it’s next Thursday the scan xx

AlexaMac profile image

hi have just seen your post. I am going for my first MRI tomorrow due to cancer being found in my womb during partial hysterectomy, womb was not taken.

I have been told l can ask to enter the scanner feet first as it is only groin to waist scan needed, l will be happy to let you know how this goes and will write again on Thursday.

Tomorrow is a little bit tough as have a family funeral mid morning then my scan just before 3 pm, but l have been helped by other members here and will be happy to share my experience. Will write again as soon as l feel able, stay strong and happy, Alexa xx

Hi There,

So Sorry to hear this about your womb i had my ovaries removed in October and getting used to a mirena coil and HRT its definity a journey. May i ask did you have any symptoms? I would very much appreciate your thoughts on how the MRI goes tomorrow for you. I am just a nervous bean. Take care xx

AlexaMac profile image

Hi had my MRI on Wednesday. Yes it is noisy sounded like a lorry full of bricks, but when l though this I actually grinned.

My hands were resting near the bottom of my neck with the panic button between them, which thankfully l did not need, but, for the head area only my chin was slightly inside so could see the ceiling above me.

Mine was groin to waist and only took 24 minutes, l couldn’t believe it was finished when the technician came to help me out. Will not be scared if it has to be repeated at any time.

Good luck and hope you soon have answers to your diagnosis, Alexa 🌸💐🌸

in reply to AlexaMac

Hi 👋 there,

I did it yippee and you were definitely correct so thank you. I was nervous when I went in and said to the technician I’m anxious they were so kind and gave me some headphones to listen to music and told to close my eyes. I concentrated on the songs and keeping still glad it’s over fingers crossed for results in a couple of weeks. How are you doing Alexa ? 🌸 xx

AlexaMac profile image

hi so happy my words could help, still waiting for MRI results, but she did say they were busy and could be up to 3 weeks.

Will let you know when l have some news. Hope it won’t be to long l am hoping to have a little holiday the end of April 🤭 keeping my mind on that keeps my mind off the cancer. Stay as well and happy as you can, and here is to us both soon being post op and in recovery 🌸🌸🌸

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