Hello everyone,
After some advice from you lovely ladies , really unsure and a bit worried, so a bit of a back story … sorry long winded I know.
I was diagnosed with endo in in 2008 after my hubby and failed to fall pregnant after trying for 4 years. I have had painful and heavy periods from day one. This was always dismissed as just period pain blah blah so I stopped going to doc about it and just self medicated to control pain etc.
anyway i have had two laparoscopy , first in 2008 when diagnosed and they removed scare tissue, unstuck my ovaries and and general tidy up to help improve fertility. My second was in 2011 after at our ivf consultation I mentioned that the pain had got much worse. Luckily my specialist was great and gave me ultra sound there and then and discovered a massive growth in my right tube ( he actually uttered the words what the fu*k is that 😂) and further cysts on both ovaries! Surgery within 4 weeks and a removed tube and repaired and drained ovaries and more clean up. Then our first and only round of ivf a few months later, this was thankfully successful. We count our blessing every day !
so I never like going to the doc anyway I really don’t like to bother them , so have basically been managing my endo since with pain meds and other coping mechanisms.
that was until the beginning of first lock down when I felt a change , pain meds stopped work , bleeding got worse etc. hubby forced me to cal l 111, crying and throwing up on the floor was probably the kicker, so I thought maybe a cyst had ruptured, guy on phone was useless but eventually agreed to me having an emergency ultrasound , 12 months later finally had my “ emergency “ scan . This confirmed cysts so was referred to hospital, saw specialist , he wanted to do mri before deciding my options. Finally had mri in sept 2022 ! Thank god I was a priority 🙄 or god know how long I would have waited. Results came through in oct :
“I have just seen site of your scan. This shows you have two endometriomas within the left ovary at 3.5 cm and 1 cm and this ovary appears stuck at the back of the womb. In addition, there is a 1.8 cm right-sided endometrioma again which is stuck to the back of the womb into an endometriotic nodule. The uterus
appears effected by adenomyosis and there is suspicion of some fibrosis within the rectovaginal space. I am going to put your case through our endometriosis MDT to plan any surgery that you need and bring
you back to clinic to undergo the formal consent process and be added to the waiting list . “
Sorry it’s such a long post, my question is I still haven’t heard back or been given an appointment, wasn’t expecting it this soon but I’m in a lot of pain , periods even heavier if that was possible , have nausea, feel so tired all the time should I see my G.P or wait ? Like I said I don’t like waste their time etc especially now as I know they’re a back log etc .
Also does this mean I have stage 4 , what type of surgery will I need , I’m expecting to be advised to have a hysterectomy but will it be straight forward , I understand some of the terminology but not all. Has anyone else had similar results etc. would be grateful for any info or advice.
In 42, not wanting any more children , currently take naproxen and dihydrocodeine and paracetamol to manage pain.
Sorry again for the long post .