I’m stage 4, avoiding Prostap but listed for hysterectomy. I’m on Zalkya but the thing I feared most is happening. The depression. Anyone taking it and experienced the same: does it get better?
I’m stage 4, avoiding Prostap but listed for hysterectomy. I’m on Zalkya but the thing I feared most is happening. The depression. Anyone taking it and experienced the same: does it get better?
Unfortunately progestins do seem to be associated with depression. But hopefully others can share experiences.
Presumably you are having complex excision in an endo centre with a hysterectomy as part of it?
I love my GP’s take on hormones “ they are a bit of a dark art “. Progestins can be quiet the downer emotionally and I found that a change to bio identicals worked better for me and some women do well with the Mirena coil as it’s viewed as more bio identical. Worth a conversation perhaps to see if they might suit you better emotionally whilst still getting the benefits ?
Hey Graciexx
I'm not taking Zalkya but I am on Gonapeptyl injections which have seriously affected my moods at times. I have PTSD and cycles of depression and anxiety if something triggers it off, so I was concerned about being on hormonal treatment again because the pill had caused me lots of trouble with my mental health. I was fighting with that for years and really struggled to get my mental health better whilst still being on the pill, it was a huge factor for my husband getting a vasectomy. Anyway, with these injections in the first month I was an absolute mess lol cried constantly and just felt like I was a ball of anxiety. The second month has been mildly better but I'm still really anxious and on edge, down a bit of the time and some days feel like I can't pull my myself of what I like to call "my hole" lol.
I've found recognising that my mood is low is a big factor for tackling it, so you're already on step one! I'm trying to do more nice things for myself, like doing my nails and listening to my fav podcasts etc. Do something that is going to make you happy! Take a nice deep breath, hold and then release all the tension from your body. Mindfulness and breathing techniques are very very underrated, most roll their eyes but it amazing what some breathing does for depression! Yoga too is fab, if you have the energy for it. Or any exercise tbh, it releases endorphins that can be painkillers so you get two helpful things in one! Nothing too strenuous though, just something like swimming, yoga, walking,etc. Nice walks are a good idea too, fresh air does your mental health wonders. Even if it is a walk around your own street, start small. I take a walking stick so I can go further
it is bright pink and lights up haha. If i think of anything else I shall add another comment later, I've done absolutely loads over the years to avoid antidepressants, so I have a few tips and tricks up my sleeve haha xxx
thank you so much for your long reply. Sorry I have only just seen it. X
It's okay! How are you now? Has your mental health improved at all? Xxx