I have been having shooting groin pain that moves down my leg and sometimes the inner side of my food starts throbbing/shooting pain. I have this around ovulation and right before period starts. I have shooting pain after sex around my period as well. I am waiting on pelvic mri results. Anyone have similar symptoms? I also have upper abdominal shooting pain that comes and goes however it’s never awful enough to keep me up at night unlike the groin/foot pain I get. The pain usually lasts a few days and then gone. I also get sensitivity to touch on my upper and lower thigh and some hip pain (usually the same side as my groin pain) sorry for the rant I am just curious if anyone has similar symptoms as me! Thank you !
endometriosis?: I have been having shooting... - Endometriosis UK
You are definitely not alone on this leg pain malarchy. It has been causing me havoc for over 6 months now. Between physio, chiro, acupuncture does not seem to disappear but just come and go with the cycle pain. It is only daily stretching that makes some sort of a difference but is heartbreaking as I love nothing more than walking. Wish yours gets better soon
Hello SL01! I’ve been having this groin leg back pain too during ovulation, always on the same side! For me heat patches and resting help a little x
Which side is the leg pain?
Hey, i also get this! When I saw my GP they advised it was the way of my body dispersing the pain but didn't have much of a solution unfortunately!
Hello, I experience this also. Always in my left side and happens every cycle around ovulation. I’ve been to the GP and been referred for physio - been once and they give me some exercises to do but doesn’t really make any difference. My periods are regular and not heavy or particularly painful, I’m in more pain with my leg and back.
Thank you all for all of the replies.. so glad to see I am not alone.. I am hoping they find something on my MRI so I can stop feeling crazy like it is all in my head. How long did it take for you to get results that you had endo? did you have MRI first or laparoscopy?
Hi! I am diagnosed with endometriosis and some of the symptoms I get sound similar! I get aching in my legs to the point it is painful like my bones hurt, shooting pains across my lower back and inbetween my shoulder blades. So if you have noticed a link between your shooting pains and your period/hormones then definitely follow it up and trust your instinct! Honestly I still don’t know how it causes leg pain but it does so it’s better to try to find the cause then you can see if there’s anything you can do! Best of luck
pelvic MRI found nothing... not sure what next steps are... waiting for referral to gyno... the wait and constantly finding nothing is exhausting..