Kidneys and endo? : Sorry me again. Just... - Endometriosis UK

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Kidneys and endo?

Rockandroller92 profile image
20 Replies

Sorry me again. Just back from A and E again as got sent home from work as couldn't even do the simplest of tasks without being in pain, even though I tried to hide it as best I could but working in the job I do that is very difficult.

I have suspected kidney stones. This is how it all started near 5 years ago the pain where my kidneys are and it radiates down the right side and often to the middle and left side at front and back.

Has anyone had this before ?

When getting a laparoscopy do they look at kidneys? I just cannot go on like this anymore.

Anyone with any ideas? Thank you x

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Rockandroller92 profile image
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20 Replies
Lindle profile image

No they can't look at the kidneys as these are outside the peritoneal space where the laparoscope looks, but endo on the kidneys would be very rare. It can affect kidney function though when it is on the ureters. What is the suspected kidney stones based on - from tests or just symptoms?

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Lindle

Hi, thanks for your response. And its from symptoms only as need to wait for ultrasound

Klom81 profile image

Hi I have kidney issues related to my Endo but as Lindle has mentioned this is caused by Endo on the ureter which has caused a blockage. This was picked up on an MRI which was done as a follow up to my laproscopy.

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Klom81

Thank you for your response. I am sorry to hear you have these issues. If you don't mind me asking what was the next steps you had to take after they found this?

Also how was your pain?

Not to be all poor me but I have been basically bed ridden since Friday. Breathless easily, in agony if I don't take the pain meds I was given yesterday, feel confused a bit too.

Sending hugs

Knit_in_Pink profile image

Hello :) I had suspected kidney stones which is actually how they found my Endo! Turned out the pain I was having wasn’t stones at all but a cyst/endometrioma so it might not be your kidneys at all. Just try not to worry too much until you have your ultrasound (I know easier said than done!)

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Knit_in_Pink

Good morning and thanks for responding. It is horrible this is happening to you but was it comforting to know what was causing the problem?

I think my main concern is never finding out whats causing these flare ups in different areas of my abdomen and pelvic areas. As sometimes I know its an endo flare but a couple of times I am like woah what is going on in my body what is this pain and whats causing it.

Sending positive vibes

Knit_in_Pink profile image
Knit_in_Pink in reply to Rockandroller92

I suppose to a degree, but it is always rubbish to discover your problems aren’t exactly ‘quick-fixes’. Just make sure you keep advocating for yourself with Dr’s etc. Don’t let yourself fall off their radar if you’re still anxious/in pain/confused xx

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Knit_in_Pink

Great advice. I have a doctors phone consultation tomorrow morning I need him to start taking me seriously.

Really appreciate your support x

Bethleah profile image

Hi me too. All on my left side. Left ureter blocked due to Endo causing reduced kidney function in lift kidney. Also have a stone there but only small so they monitored it. They check it with ct scan. X

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Bethleah

Good morning and thanks for responding. I hope you have found some peace of mind now and are on the mend.

When did you get this diagnosis if you don't mind me asking and did it take a while?

Sending positive vibes

Bethleah profile image
Bethleah in reply to Rockandroller92

Hi had the kidney stone diagnosis a couple of years ago since it showed up on an ultrasound they did to check out ureter and Endo. Im under bgse so they sent me to sister hospital for urology side of things. I have to have mag 3 scans every 2 years instead of 1 to check the blockage and kidney function. They checked the stone but it’s not changed and I have no symptoms because of it so now they leave it alone. As it’s kidney related they monitor me closely. I ended up in hospital with awful pain after coming off the zolodex which was an Endo flare up. It got diagnosed then. Hope this helps x

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Bethleah

What a champion you are.

It is good to hear you have a path to support you in this horrendous illness. It is honestly so scary how much it can affect you.

I wish you all the best

Moon_maiden profile image

My kidney levels have gone up and down over the last couple of years, no real explanation why. When he did hysterectomy with endo removal, in the report was the ureters were covered in adhesions, so I’m kind of assuming this was the cause, any scans showed kidneys were ok.

Have they checked for UTI?

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Moon_maiden

Hi thanks for responding. I haven't got a UTI but u am prone to them x

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Rockandroller92

I’ve been hit and miss with them, thinking it was, but not most of the time. Ask for an urgent referral to the pain clinic, might help.

Hope you get things sorted soon 🙂

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Moon_maiden

I've never heard of a pain clinic?

Moon_maiden profile image

Every hospital has one. It’s normally run by consultants who are anaesthetists, pain management is a big part of what they do. A BSGE centre will usually have a named pain consultant, so they’d be a bit more aware of endo.

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Moon_maiden

Ok grand thanks for making me aware of this. When I speak to my G.P tomorrow I will be sure to ask about this. X

Klom81 profile image

Hi I have actually been sent for a renogram which was done last week and the my found that one of my kidneys is not working. I now have a video appointment with a urologist on Christmas Eve so hopefully will find out what the next steps will be.

I didn’t actually have that much kidney pain, just some aching pain in one side of my lower back but to be honest I hadn’t realised this was kidney related pain.

Rockandroller92 profile image
Rockandroller92 in reply to Klom81

I really wish you some relief so sorry to hear this x

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