Adhesions but no endo... : So I had my... - Endometriosis UK

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Adhesions but no endo...

Silversky profile image
15 Replies

So I had my laproscopy last week, results came back, no endo although they found & treated adhesions. From my reading these are caused by prior surgery, this was my first surgery so not that. Trauma - I don't think I've had any trauma that would have caused this, and then a handful of diseases I've never had, and think I'd have known about if I did, or... Endo. Which I don't have apparently.

I'm trying without much luck to get my operation notes so I know where they were, how many and what they did so I can discuss it with my doctor, but thought I'd ask here for any advice.

I just want to find out what caused them so it doesn't happen again, are there any other causes I'm missing? Are there any tests or stuff I should be asking for?

Obviously it's too early since the op to find out if my problems are gone just by that, but I want to keep the ball rolling on it and get some answers soon.

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Silversky profile image
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15 Replies
TennisAM profile image

Sorry, I don't know much about adhesions but was it a general gynaecologist that operated on you? Do you know if they had a thorough look around? Sometimes they only look in the obvious areas (uterus, ovaries).

Silversky profile image
Silversky in reply to TennisAM

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say his name here so I won't but his speciality is laproscopy for endo, so I'd be surprised if he did a bitch job of it. I'm waiting for the op notes so I won't know exactly what happened til then really

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to Silversky

I'm glad they have experience with endo. Will be interesting to see where they looked. I believe they would have taken pictures too x

Silversky profile image
Silversky in reply to TennisAM

Yeah I'll get a copy of the pictures too hopefully! Will be good to have on file if I ever do need a second opinion, really hoping I don't though and my problems go away but I'm just not feeling too hopeful at the moment

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to Silversky

I understand, its tough, hope removing the adhesions stops the pain etc. Try to meditate etc to take your mind off it as you can't do anything about it until you heal. You'll know if its worked several months after x

Dee11 profile image

This happened to me after my first lap. They found lots of adhesions but no endo (apparently) and could offer no suggestions of how I got the adhesions in the first place, nor did they care about exploring further.

My symptoms didn’t go away, if anything I felt worse after about a month or so. I hadn’t had surgery or trauma either, but found out that endo can cause adhesions. I kept pushing and pushing and changed consultant, and 9 months later had my second lap which did show endo in several places.

I’d push to find out the cause of your adhesions and if you don’t have any relief from your symptoms, don’t be scared to go back to your gp and ask to be referred elsewhere for a second opinion. Good luck!

Silversky profile image
Silversky in reply to Dee11

Thanks, always comforting to know someone has gone through the same thing as me! Just can't wait to see if it's helped any. It's helped so far with my IBS type symptoms so I'm over the moon with that, but the proof will be when the inevitable period comes along...

Jb_x profile image
Jb_x in reply to Dee11

I am so happy to read this comment as this has happened to me too and I’m going round in circles. I’ve just came of the mirena coil and pill and I’m in agony. The pain is unbearable x

PL0NKER profile image

Was it is a highly trained specialist who operated? The thing is about endo, it can appear in a few colours and if someone hasn't been trained properly (usually general gynecologists) to recognise the different ways endo can show itself, then they're going to horribly miss things.

Silversky profile image
Silversky in reply to PL0NKER

It's his speciality, so I would be surprised if he'd missed something. He obviously still had to make me sign the stuff to say he could miss it, but I think the chances of it are slimmer.

Alexburgwin profile image

Hi I’m in exactly the same position! I paid for my last op (lap with excision) privately with a highly specialised gynaecologist I did loads of research prior to pick the person.

However after the surgery they said it is highly likely I had endo all over my pelvis and part of bowl had stuck to my abdominal wall - very servere their words! However after the results came back (with excision they send tissue to the lab for testing) they said it wasn’t endo mainly adhesions. Was relieved it wasnt endo but unsure how I got these adhesions and the severity of it ! No real explanation given! Now 9 months post surgery my symptoms have returned.

I’m not sure what caused my adhesions in the first place and having told me they found no endo with a specialist I feel I’m back to square one. I feel for what your going through I honestly do x

Silversky profile image
Silversky in reply to Alexburgwin

Ah man that sucks! Hope you're taking steps to get it sorted? (Not that I can advise what the steps would be?!) Must be something if they're coming back - or presumably they're coming back if you've got the pain and no endo.... It's so bloody weird.

ChezE profile image

Hi, I had a laparoscopy in September and no endo was found, just adhesions connecting one of my Fallopian tubes to my bowel. I'd had no previous surgery either but a gastroenterologist whom I'd seen last year told me that adhesions can form when you're developing in the womb and might not cause issues until later in life. I believe the medical term for them is "congenital adhesions". Wishing you well during your post-op recovery! x

Silversky profile image
Silversky in reply to ChezE

Ah that's relieving. I won't tell my mum that though she'll only blame herself haha. I hope that's the case for me. Suppose there's no way anyone can really prove what caused them. I've just got my fingers crossed that everything sorts itself out now! Thanks so much for the info

Jb_x profile image

This is exactly what happened to me. I got my lap, my ovary was stuck to my pelvis or something. This was my first surgery. The surgen said I could have endo in the muscle and possibly adeno and unless they took out my womb and put under microscope they wouldn’t know for def. I have all the symptoms of endo. Heavy periods.. I bleed through 2 pads, pants and jeans, the pain is unbearable, double over, painful sex etc.

I got the mirena coil fitted which helped for about 2 years, then back to square one with periods the pain etc. Got put on the pill whilst mirena. Again helped a bit but still issues. Ended up coming off everything and get my coil out as I’m worried the effects of the hormones and now I’m straight back to square one. Doc said ily option really is to get another lap

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