Herbal remedies for endometriosis - Endometriosis UK

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Herbal remedies for endometriosis

Endo_enemy profile image
26 Replies

I have been looking into HERBAL REMEDIES which can naturally help eliminate endometriosis. Has anyone else looked into this?

I have read that Ayurveda treatments such as Regular use of Shatavari in prescribed in dosage claim to help women suffering from endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and after effects of a cesarean surgery. For Lactation: Shatavari is also prescribed for the new mothers for its great lactation properties.

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26 Replies
Radix profile image

Hi Endo _enemy, I've wondered about Ayurvedic herbs too. I'm sure they can be very powerful and helpful but having researched them in detail I think it would be better to go to a registered practitioner. I nearly bought Shatavari once, but then I read that it could increase oestrogen! A qualified person will know exactly what and how much for each specific case. Also, the herbs are now potent than from what you'd buy online. You should be able to get an online consultation.

I'm currently going for acupuncture and taking prescribed Chinese herbs, so I'm going to see how these go. Wishing you much joy on your journey.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to Radix

Hey yes i looked into this. Shavatari contains phytoestrogens . However this isnt all bad as they are different to thr estrogen in our bodies apparently it has a anti-estrogenic effect, meaning they can counter the activity of estrogen.

By binding to estrogen receptors, phytoestrogens can stimulate the production of sex hormone-binding globulin, reducing the ability of the natural free estrogen to interact with estrogen receptors. Further, phytoestrogens can reduce inflammation through many mechanisms, including decreasing the production of inflammatory molecules.

I got the above online, this condition takes alot of research and all medication is trial and error from experience.

Im thinking to give it a go . Also i take evening primrose which isnt causing any harm.

plotments profile image


I haven't heard of this before but I took Agnus Castus for a few years and that helped with a lot of my symptoms also turmeric is a brilliant anti-inflammatory and can help

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to plotments

Hey thanks for responding. Ye turmeric s good. I take 2 high strength capsules a day as well as floradix intestcare. Also fenugreek is meant to be good and a herbal which u can get as a tea callee lady mantle :)

plotments profile image
plotments in reply to Endo_enemy

Just be careful what herbs your mixing with what and try not to take too much at once otherwise you'll never be able to tell which your finding the most benefit from!

Good luck with the power of plants

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to plotments

Your absolutely right so ye i am being careful. Will also bring any thoughts to my consultsant in a few weeks. Thing is NHS do not promote natural healing. They are paid to put patients on drugs drugs drugs. While some are most def needed. Sometimes certain symptoms can be resolved naturally .

plotments profile image
plotments in reply to Endo_enemy

Your right on that.....I remember the look of horror on my consultants face when I told him I'd found a herbal remedy that was easing my symptoms

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to plotments

I had a whole lecture when I told mine I had found Chinese medicine to be very helpful. Its amazing how arrogant they are, they think what they offer is superior, from my experience its not.

Can I ask what herbal remedy helped you please?

plotments profile image
plotments in reply to TennisAM

Agnus castus took it for over 2 years and helped with symptomsYou'd think they'd be happy you had found something to help

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to plotments

Thank you. Yes you'd think they would.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to TennisAM

Turmeric, apparently ginger root is good. Oooo and research a tea called lady mantle. Apparently thats excellent for health of our reproductive symptom. Remember they cannot cure it but they can manage symptoms and maybe halt growth depending on the severity of ur condition.

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to Endo_enemy

Thank you. I tried Curcumin but sadly had adverse reactions. Ginger is great. Thank you I'll take a look at lady mantle. Yes totally, I'm after things that help with symptoms and control progression x

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to Endo_enemy

Can I ask how much lady mantle i need to use and how often to be most effective? I only have a period every 3 months. Thanks x

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to TennisAM

Hey i drink a cup of lady mantle tea once a day. From research it says to drink as needed but i think a cup once or twice a day is fine. Ppl use it for excess or heavy bleeding. I suggest start small doses to see how u react and increase if needed. U can buy the natural herb, boil and strain it or buy the tea bag. I buy the tea bag on amazon for 5.99 a box . Its a green box with the name Alchemilla Vulgaris on the front as thats the actual name of the herb. Lady mantle is the english name. Remember we are all here to help each other but as others have advised and i will reiterate , none of us are doctors and all our bodies are different and will react differently so please do your own research as well and seek medical advice first. i hope this helps :)

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to Endo_enemy

Thanks. You don't need to worry, I always do, just Interesting to know what has helped others. I've seen there's an issue with lady's mantle and the combined pill so will look into it further. Cheers x

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to TennisAM

Hey ye reading through all our tips it made me think how supportive we are to each other which is so nice but the worse thing would be for anything to go wrong with our advice and we do more harm than good.

Let me know what you find on the interactions with lady mantle and the pill. Would be good to know for future reference. Im not surprised tho cos lady mantle is for strenghting the uterus, regularlating the cycle, stopping heavy or excessive bleeding and making our reproductive system work properly. Wouldnt the pill be trying to do the oppositive as it just stops it. Look into it but Maybe best to take lady mantle when your on ur 7 day pill break. Start taking 2 or 3 days before the period comes to minimise the bleeding and pain. Good luck with the research x

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to Endo_enemy

Yes you're right, would feel bad too if that was the case. The pill is also used for reducing heavy bleeding, making the cycle consistent etc so that might be why. Initial reading suggests it would mess with hormone levels as lady mantle can stabilise hormones. The increase in hormones from the pill could be affected, therefore the pill may not be as effective xx

TennisAM profile image

Hi briefly looked into Ayurveda for endometriosis but ended up going to see a Chinese medicine specialist and its changed my life. My experience is different to some of the posts below, I've found many natural remedies that help with endometriosis (both reducing inflammation and actually reducing the endometriosis itself). There are clinical studies (albeit small ones) for these natural remedies.

Please be careful with anything with phytoestrogens. In my case I find that it increases my pain levels (I have to avoid flax seeds, soya, sesame as they all have high levels of phytoetrogens and cause me a lot of pain).

Please find below everything that's helped me:

If you can afford it I would seek out a good traditional Chinese medicine specialist. If they have the understanding they can be outstanding at helping with endo symptoms. Chinese medicine such as acupuncture and herbs balance the body and treat the cause of the issues.

These plasters were recommended by my Chinese medicine specialist. To be used daily on the affected areas. My pain regularly goes away within an hour or 2 and will last for more than 12 hours. If used for 12hrs daily sometimes it doesn't return. Plaster to be used for no more than 12 hours. Can replace with a new one if you want to use for 24hrs. These plasters are a must, they've really helped me either reduce or eliminate endo pain.

Pycnogenol (extract from pine bark) is clinically proven to help with endo period pain. It reduces it by at least 30 percent in all patients. Study used 60mg a day. Takes 1 month of daily use to start having an effect. I use 80mg a day and 120mg week before my period and during my period. Reduced pain from 8/10 to 2 or 3 out of 10. I couldn't find any side effects through research and don't experience any myself. Its a powerful anti inflammatory.

Serrapeptase is also meant to be helpful, please start on the lowest dose if you try it to judge the effect. My scar tissue no longer hurts after taking the lowest dose for 2 weeks daily on an empty stomach. Please note pain does increase for a few weeks before it goes down.

Please also have a look at N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC) there's a clinical study where it reduced endometriomas and pelvic pain. 21 our of 26 patients on this for three months cancelled their surgeries. It is also reported that it stops endometriosis from becoming deep infiltrating.

For bloating, stool consistency and bowel pain it may help to take a probiotic for 3 months. UCL did a clinical study and Symprove was found to be the most effective (unflavoured version tastes bad so always get a flavoured variety). I have a leaflet from my dietician explaining the study and the other probiotics that are effective. Feel free to send a private message if you want me to send you the leaflet. I went for Floratrex because a small endo study indicated that endo reduces Lactobacillus levels, which means our body's anti inflammatory response is hampered. Floratrex reduced my daily pain and pain during my periods.

There are many cheaper brands such as biokult that you could try.

Both yoga and pilates have helped me.

At 1hr 20 mins of this video below there are stretches from a physio at Royal Free Hospital. They are good for the pelvic floor but many of them are good for endo too.

Resuming Endometriosis Services: What happens next?


Particularly the diaphragmatic breathing, child's pose and dropping your pelvic floor in this selection below:

Pilates for endo

Be careful with kegels, most women with endo have a tight pelvic floor so kegels will make it worse.

Hope some of that helps. Anyone that wants the links to the info above, send me a private message as Endo UK admin have removed the links xx

Endo_enemy profile image

Hey thanks for your response its appreciated . Its good when we put our minds together.

Everything you have is correct but noone is trying to disregard western medicine. I urge everyone to thorougly research and seek advice.

Everything you have said is the inital advice which is listed on all endo information websites. I am not saying to forget your NHS treatment plan but im wondering if there is anything else that can add extra help. Most endo suferers are doing your advice and are still suffering.

For example could taking a supplement of shavatari be benefical or more benefical than mageniusm or turmeric. Apparently the herb contaims mageniusm as well a zinc. Turmeric/ cumin is actually part of the same Ayurveda medicine and most of us use that.

1.If it helps i am already on a plant based diet. I eat no dairy, and avoid gluten or soy. I strongly recommend the 1st thing a endo sufferer does is change their diet.

2. I have 2 hot water bottles and sadly heat pads do not seem to work but we all them for the pain.

3. I take liquid maganism every day as well as vitiamin d, zinc, and high strength turmeric.

I fully agree that we shouldnt mess with our hormones but doing research shows that being on birth contol pills suppress ovulation, and keep the body in a steady state of hormone influence. This can mask over the symptoms of endometriosis. This is symptomatic management, not treatment. We endo suffers need a more effective method of treatment. Plus this method doesnt help those who want and yearn for children.

I also agree there isnt alot about this disese which is why there could be many other products out there which could help which docs dont know.

Being on birth control for 10 years and being left undignosed for 16 has resulted in me with stage 4 bowel endo so any advice is listened to and then researched.

Nonetheless it is great to discuss and i thank you all for your opinions. :)

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to Endo_enemy

Its sad isn't it, I was lucky, was diagnosed relatively quickly so have been on combined pill for 11 years and nevertheless I got to stage IV with a fixed bowel, endo on inside of my bowel, fused ovary, endo on my Urethra and many other places. This shows the pill was not treating my endometriosis at all. I agree, thorough research is important but there are many things out there that are alternative, which are better than conventional medicine for some people with endo. There's clinical studies that show that n-acetylcysteine (an amino acid) can reduce endometriomas. Now that's real control of the disease if it works for the patient. I think its important to be open minded, thoughtful and do research regardless of whether a consultant gynaecologist has suggested a treatment or someone on a forum.

It sounds like you're doing what's needed before branching into anything alternative, and that's great. Hope it helps you.

Endo_enemy profile image
Endo_enemy in reply to TennisAM

Iv jus purchased n-acetylcysteine and shavatari but havent started them yet. I am mindful on taking to many supplements and i dnt know whats working lol. Im also on tibolone as a hrt so gotta be careful whats mixed. Shavatari is meant to be excellent but prob best taken if im not on a hrt as well. So once i stop hrt i will try that as a alternative. Good to start small doses before we go wild as well as seek consultant advice as well.

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to Endo_enemy

Hope it works. I decided to go for it and take quite a few different ones at the same time. I then withdrew one at a time to see what difference it made. It worked well for me x

Endo_enemy profile image

Hey thank you for this. I will research your recommendations. :)

I have heard of pine bark so interesting that someone is using it with positive results.

I have been using symprove for nearly a year now, i would recommend the mango and passionfruit. It Is pricey but worth it i think.

No one treatment works for everyone, as all our bodies are different. It is trial and error for most of us.

Thanks for the advice :)

Radix profile image

There is also a herb called cramp bark which looks good for - you've guessed it - cramping pain! There's also lady's mantle which is supposed to be very good for excessive bleeding. Also yarrow for detoxifying the liver to help healthy excretion of hormones.

I saw this on a page from a medical herbalist in Ireland who is also a medical doctor called Dr Clare. She runs an apothecary and clinic and you fold contact to see if she'd post to UK. She gives her email address as well to answer questions which I don't think she charges for. I know she does full online consultations for a fee. My plan is to see how my TCM herbs go and if not I'll be seeking a consultation.

Something which really struck me lately is the fact that the liver converts progesterone into cortisol under stressful situations. I had always known that stress is detrimental for our health but I hadn't realised how exactly stress can impact endo and fertility.

The book 'Healthy Hormones' is a very good reference point.

Lynne_support profile image
Lynne_supportPartnerEndometriosis UK

Hello Endo_enemy

There is no evidence that complementary or alternative therapies such as herbal medicines can control endometriosis, although some people may find that certain therapies can help them manage their symptoms. We would recommend that your consult with a medical professional before using such a therapy, particularly if you are on other medications.

Best wishes

Lynne - Endometriosis UK

Endo_enemy profile image

Hi lynne thank u for responding. i am aware that herbs cannot control or cure Endometriosis as it is a chronic illness, however as you have rightly said and what we have been discussing is that, there are some that can help manage symptoms quite positively. Thank you for your advice, we will be sure to take it on board. :)

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