Hi, I had my first diagnostic lap done yesterday complicated by urinary retention and so an overnight stay.I wanted your opinions please. They found a cervical polyp, x2 spots of superficial endo in pouch of Douglas, enlarged bulky uterus (?adenomyosis) and 1cm nodules on each uterosacral ligament. Tubes and dye test normal. Ovaries appeared enlarged like PCOS.
I had prev had an MRI which reported no evidence of deep infiltrating endo but had found a fibroid in uterus.
So when I woke up the surgeon who I had not met before this day (a more junior trainee with interest in endo) told me they had found just superficial endo but it could still explain my severe pain as you can’t correlate amount of endo visualised with pain. He said he hadn’t removed the 2 spots (which appeared tiny on the pics) as it was only a diagnostic lap. I’m a bit upset as it seems like others have had it treated at same time If there is just a little rather than having to go through surgery again.
I wanted you to please advise me on 2 points:
1) how do I only have superficial mild endo if I have nodules on both uterosacral ligaments? I couldn’t ask him this as I only saw post op notes in detail after he left (with permission of nurse) I’ve googled and it looks like nodules always mean deep infiltrating disease? He defo told me it’s just mild don’t worry “2 tiny spots”
2) he said they will discuss treatment options in clinic cos I may not want surgery to remove the “tiny spots” as this will create scar tissue and risk adhesions. In your experiences were you ever advised to leave it alone or is it best to excise however small to stop that bit enlarging (I appreciate I can still develop other spots)
Sorry that’s long. Thank you in advance.