Trying to decide how to manage endo after baby born main thing bothering me is I now bleed out my bowl every month it’s embarrassing so would like to know people’s experiences on it I don’t plan on more children after this just want my periods to stop
Your experience with the coil : Trying to... - Endometriosis UK
Your experience with the coil

Hey Afrohair, everyone’s experience is going to be different. I had mine along time ago. I think my consultant didn’t know what endometriosis was. I had the best time with the mirena coil, no periods at all I think I even lost weight my best times however what they didn’t tell me was I was prone to recurrent BV makes it worse due to my race to was informed. Despite the no periods, I was seeing a consultant due to recurrent BV. When I decided enough was enough and removed the coil. I was then diagnosed with stage 4 endo.
I was also later told that despite treating the BV, the string was not treated and that caused the recurrent BV.
Hope this is helpful.
The string ?i understand everyone is different that’s why I would just like an overall view I had the coil years ago before endo I loved it cause no periods I just want no periods again as I bleed out my bum!its embarrassing not having it in till I’ve had my baby just keep hearing horror stories but no other contraception helped me that means yours was growing
I am sorry you were having such problems, pain and heavy bleeding.
The string that hangs in the vagina. I’ve had some horror stories too I was lucky my consultant was good and very understanding, I had anaesthetic to have it inserted as I don’t have children, I also had a follow up to check that it was inserted correctly and hadn’t dislodged or expelled itself.
Does the infection mean the strings were causing issues x?
Hi Afrohair
I got Mirena last December. I was scared to tell you the truth because some of the side effects. The only way for me to put it in was under anesthesia because it was so painful otherwise even with all medications. After I woke up from anesthesia nothing was hurting. My pain subsided, but I still have very, very light period. Still have pains as well, but not as bad as before. No weight gain, acne, etc. To be honest 100% my hair is falling like crazy But it started before Mirena and most likely linked to vit D deficiency. Or maybe coil added to the vit deficiency. I am trying to figure it out now. I would give it a try and see how you body reacts.
I've had two Mirena coils, the first one I didn't find any difference and the second one made all my symptoms 10x worse - I want to go back to my GP and possibly talk about a different brand of coil with a lower dose just in case though as I've sort of exhausted most other birth control options.
My mother-in-law has had 3 Mirenas so far and for her it's like the holy grail, she also has endo but all her symptoms pretty much disappear with it in. I've heard many stories on both sides with pretty much all birth control unfortunately, only thing for it is to try it and see! Only thing I would say is don't be afraid to push for a removal if you know its making you worse. I let my GP talk me into keeping it for 6 months despite ending up in a&e twice within the first 2 when I knew I wanted it out by then.
Oh no I couldn’t do that this is all my choice my docs don’t even know I have endo really as I went privately for diagnosis and they don’t ever read my case notes so I just decided it for myself if they say no I’ll just speak to my private doctor to get it removed if I need to it’s wierd how it gets worse for some as I researched it a lot and it supposed to be the best
More research needs to be done
Hi Afrohiar,
as many have said, everyone has a different experience with the coil. I have many friends who have it and are really happy with it.
I, unfortunately, was one of those with whom it didn´t agree. I started to put on weight very quickly, and had to leave it in for 5 months due to Covid restrictions and managed to put on 15 kilos (over 30+ pounds) in that period. I also found my patience with the kids was much lower and I was overall an angrier person with it in. It changed by cycle from 25 days to 21 days, and I had more period pain than before (not horrendous pain, just more than before).
I got it taken out as soon as I could, and lost a lot of the water retention weight very quickly, and am working on slowly losing the rest.
My doctor decided that I these hormones just don´t agree with me (any pill really), and so I am scheduled to have my Laparoscopy on Friday to see if we can get a handle on everything.
As a simple guide, I would say, that you cope well with normal pills, and especially the breastfeeding pill, then the coil should also help. If you have problems in general with the Pill, then maybe you should consider your options.
Good luck with it.
Liz x
Thanks for reply in general my body doesn’t agree with contraception but my periods were getting out of hand with large blood clots and bleeding out my bum on my period I just want the bleeding to stop!i can generally manage the pain but I started wearing nappy things because of this problem the pill never worked and injection made me have hair fall implant was ok but I had all these before I even had endo I had the coil in the past before endo it was fine just hoping for bear x