So adhesions look like they are loving my bowels right now ... so much pain! Also bruising really easily . So ranting on here because I can't go the toilet after loads of laxatives and too painful it feels like everything is coming out so feeling rather sorry for myself thank you zoladex for really working ... not!
Adhesions... dont you just love them! - Endometriosis UK
Adhesions... dont you just love them!

With you on most of that, getting a bit sick of it as well.
Not sure about the bruising, noticed a couple recently, hadn’t made an association though.
Hope you feel better soon
I just feel like the tablets are all adding up theres not enough time in the day to take them all! Its probably because they are definitely pressing on a nerve driving me insane! Thank you just wish there was a magic wand for us all!
I hear you!! I constantly questioning myself. My bladder is also playing up. such a frequent need to go, but not convinced I have a UTI. Upper back and right side lower pain. Sometimes my thighs also feel like really heavy/feel swollen. Is that kidney?!?
Have a test just in case. I had infection last week and didn’t realise. I asked yesterday about a retest, received text from doctor saying if I didn't think symptoms still there don’t worry. I’m not sure what part of when I said ‘I can’t tell’ didn’t they understand yesterday!🤣
Yes I have the same right down the front! I think so! I had a urine sample done yesterday and theres no infection just fed up of sitting on the toilet! Feel like I should put a telly in there. I know with me personally my bowels are most affected so it all presses down I guess but if it's mostly kidney pain your experiencing its definitely something worth checking. It's bad you get the whole sti/std check everytime! Just wish there was an easier way for them to indicate that it is endo like one of them swabs. Just annoyed I been eating healthy drinking loads of water and attempting a little walk and still wants to live inside! But hey we ve got to put on that brave face because we "dont look ill" 😣
The same this week , bladder and bowel playing up . So constipated, have some adhesions on my bowel.
I feel your pain. I just pray for the day we are pain free ... forgotten what that's like