Hey, I had a mirena coil mid feb and have had really bad skin ever since, I’ve never really had skin problems in the past so I am pretty certain it is hormone related and was just wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences and could recommend anything they have used or any vitamins they have taken to improve things?
Skin problems after Mirena Coil - Endometriosis UK
Skin problems after Mirena Coil

Hi I have had s Mirena coil since October and I have noticed I am getting white patches on my skin and I have a feeling this is to do with the Mirena which I am going to discuss with my GP in my next appointment. When the Mirena was first inserted I had a lot of pimple type of spots for a few months which have cleared now. So things may settle after a few months xx
When I had my first Mirena coil fitted I had the same thing. At first I got spots particularly along my jawline but they eventually go after quite a few months. I found they went quicker if I swapped my normal moisturiser for Savlon for a couple of days. (I’m not sure that’s what you’re supposed to do but it worked for me).
I also had found my skin on my arms and sometimes my legs felt dry and itchy. I asked my chemist for advice with this and she suggested magnesium salt baths. She also said magnesium can also help to easy Endo pain and having a bath in magnesium salts is the quickest way for your body to absorbe it. This has honestly helped me so much. I have a magnesium bath at least 2-3 times a week now. You can get magnesium salts almost everywhere (supermarkets etc.)
I personally like Westlab Cleanse Bathing Salts (currently on offer in Boots - boots.com/westlab-bathing-s... but they also do unscented versions).
Hope this is helpful