Hi everyone...so I’ve been on a waiting list for surgery since October and pretty much had to beg my consultant for a laparoscopy referral because she is convinced I just have IBS despite all my symptoms pointing to endo...she kept interrupting me in my appointments and made me cry out of frustration so I don’t have a lot of faith in her. Someone I know local to me recently posted on Facebook how amazing her surgeon was at diagnosing and treating her endo, and I was wondering if I would be able to request I change consultants? Her consultant is an endo specialist BSGE registered where as my consultant is a general gynae...advice would me much appreciated thank you xx
Does anyone know if you can request a cha... - Endometriosis UK
Does anyone know if you can request a change in consultant / surgeon?

What an awful experience for you..i have had similar in the past. No one should be made to feel like that..we’ve got enough to deal with, with this awful disease without a Consultant not even letting you speak! When i was unhappy with my Consultant I went back to my GP and asked to see someone different, they then re-referred me to someone else. It obviously slows things down but it’s worth it to get yourself heard and to get the support you need and deserve. Good luck x
Ask your GP to refer you to somewhere/someone else, they can do this. Look to see if there is a centre within reach.
A referral can go to a specific consultant, but on the NHS you may see one of their registrars at the appointment. They also have to accept you as a patient.
The only way you can guarantee seeing the consultant is to go privately.
I think I was lucky and saw someone that was really decisive and helpful. Although I’ve now had an NHS referral, I’m tempted to book another session privately as well.
Research is key, I look at pictures as well to see if they look friendly. I know that’s hard, but has worked for me.
There are referral criteria for BSGE accredited centres as they are for highly specialised conditions that are treated in centres of excellence in tertiary care. There has to be evidence of severe endo which is classed as such a condition.
Otherwise referral is to secondary care but it must still be someone with expertise in diagnosing endo (a special interest) so they will have done additional training.
It sounds like your gynae is just general in which case you would have been sent to the wrong person anyway for suspected endo. You have a right to a second opinion which your GP must respect.
It might help to push for an MRI which may show the extent of the endo, assuming there is some. I had years of doctors telling me I just had IBS despite obvious endo symptoms. I was even put on zoladex for my "period problems" which made most of my health problems vanish yet they still insisted all the bowel problems that came back after the zoladex wore off were nothing gynaecological. So you're certainly not alone in this. I paid privately to see a consultant and it was £200 (a few years back now) for the initial consultation which gave me a diagnosis and I was then referred to the NHS for the MRI and op.
thank you for your reply, I did consider paying for a private consultation so that might be helpful when things are a bit more normal again because of covid x
Thanks for your reply, it’s awful isn’t it when you feel like you’re not being taken seriously. I have all symptoms of endo and found out my Nan and aunties have it, but because I only have pain during sex sometimes my consultant was adamant it’s just IBS. I think if I call my DR like you’ve advised they will be able to help fingers crossed thank you x
It is indeed very frustrating, my first endo symptoms were only pain during sex and the doctors thought that i had vulvodynia...i even got 2 biopsies down there to just find out was no such thing, i cannot tell you how much it affected me i felt like they butchered me down there..how much trauma can cause to a woman. Gradually over the year the pain started in the pelvic area/stomach as well and finally last year i got the diagnose...i was just lucky to be honest that i met a new GP and he was able to pin point the problem. Don't give up go to your GP, who cares that they look at you like you are crazy is your life and cannot accept to live in pain for the rest of your life.
My gynaecologist is also adamant I have IBS which I do have but I’ve had control of this for years. I know the amount of dairy and gluten I can eat without flair up and these and stress are my only triggers.
She also commented on my weight the last time I seen her maybe the previous treatment she put me on which made me gain 3 stone may be the issue here!
But she also doesn’t like to listen I also am tempted to ask to see another consultant. Or next time I’m bad instead of contacting her just going to hospital. Had it not been the current covid crisis I’d have had took myself to A&E last week.
I also told her 2 days before the last time I seen her I was ready to call 999 for the pain and she just said go see a dietitian!