I am beyond devastated, disheartened and upset... I had my post op telephone appointment today, from the excision surgery I had back in Feb. All my endo pains returned almost straight away/never really left (just like my previous 4-5 ablation surgeries)
My consultant (apparently one of the most sort after endo specialists in the UK) has basically said he can’t do anymore for me, says I cannot/should not have anymore surgery in the future as it’ll make no difference to me, that my pains might be ‘phantom’ pains! (Major insult!!) and I just have to ‘learn to live with/manage the pain’ and that he is now discharging me.
I waited 18 (long and painful) months to see him and get my surgery and I am no better off and the pain is still just as bad (if not worse!) than it has been for the last 5 years.
They would not let an animal suffer in such pain all day, everyday...so why is it ok to tell me to ‘just learn to live with it’. I have no quality of life...and now no hope of ever regaining any sort of life! 😢