Possibly endo, referral to gynae - Endometriosis UK

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Possibly endo, referral to gynae

Nm1993 profile image
6 Replies

For the past few months, I have had a lot of stomach gurgling and just general uncomfortableness feel so windy and I'm not even farting the best. Which worsens leading up to and during My period. I also, have lower back pain and aching thighs from time to time. Which, again, is worse during my period (though, I had slipped and really hurt my back a while a go but it hasn't gone away and this all sort of started in and around then) They have always been on the heavier side. I had to use 2 pads, at one point as one was never quiet long enough to last an entire night. My cycle fluctuated quite frequently, and the pain lasted the entire time (though it was bare able and not in anyway severe) with severe diarrhea. Before having my 2nd. Child, my cycle was getting shorter and shorter. But, ever since he was born. My periods just haven't been right. I was diagnosed with a cervical erosion a year and a half ago during a routine smear test. Which, explained the spotting. But, now the spotting is worse. Its like a 2 week long mild period, with a lot of mucous(previously, I moved to Mooncups as I was going through so many pads. I could fill up an entire mooncup maybe twice/three times a day for the first couple of days) I feel nausea a lot of the time and so stressed out with it all which makes nausea so much worse. I'm 26, and so concerned about what it could be. A lot of my symptoms, fall under endo or death. Thanks Dr Google.

I was booked in for an urgent gynae appointment by my GP as originally, I had went in a bit panicked to a different GP. And, she was less than interested with my symptoms. She tested me for STIs, which I honestly found really insulting as I knew I didn't need it and had been tested during pregnancy. She squiged about my pelvis. Confirmed the cervical ectropion and pretty much shrugged my concerns off. So, I rang the practice leader and complained about everything. He was lovely, and really understanding and I was referred to gynae. My appointments next week. I just am so, so stressed. Which, is making everything worse. I was also, recently, diagnosed with (possibly) health anxiety. Which, as you can imagine. Is the cherry on the trifle at this point.

Sorry for the rambling, any help or experiences anyone has had.

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6 Replies

Hi first thing to do is try to stop worrying it will only increase your anxiety. I’m no doctor but have experience in medical people writing me off & putting my symptoms down to something else. Keep a diary about what is happening every day it will be helpful. If it is endo try to see a specialist not just a gynae doctor. I first got diagnosed with PCOS then endo then irritable bowel then I was making it all up and couldn’t be in pain as I’ve had the endo treated( a laparoscopy that just treated the surface of the disease which was deep penetrating & left scar tissue) and had the Mirena coil ( no periods so endo couldn’t build up) and Zoladex ( didn’t have any oestrogen so couldn’t have endo building up). Stick to your gut instinct and don’t take no for an answer. Good luck 😄

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to

If only that easy to deal with 😂

I’d love to know why they don’t believe people. They wouldn’t say when I asked.

Hope you’re feeling a bit better now.

Moon_maiden profile image

I made notes before seeing gynaecologist, didn’t want to forget anything. I just gave them to him to read, them he asked question and a quick examination.

It was very straight forward and the best consultation with a doctor for a long time, much less stress.

Try not to worry, they will understand your symptoms far more than GP.

Let us know how it goes

Emsy profile image

Hi poor you, its awful to be fobbed off by the doctors, I have experienced similar as well! In terms of the wind etc have you looked into the fodmaps diet? As your bowel is next to the womb/bits they can irritate each other especially at different times in the cycle. It might be worth exploring.

Also with the heavy bleeding you can ask for blood tests for your iron to check for anaemia, ferritin and vitamin d as well. I find magnesium tablets after evening meal help with the leg pain and yoga to help gently stretch out the pelvic area releases tension. Take care xxx

Nm1993 profile image
Nm1993 in reply to Emsy

I will have a look at that and hopefully it'll help me out about. Thankyou for the support ❤️

Rosie_Eliz profile image

Hi Nm1993,

Sorry to hear about your experiences. In case helpful, I have provided a link to an information sheet on how to manage GP appointments and getting diagnosed.


The main thing to remember is that you are entitled to ask questions of your GP. Here are some suggested questions:

 What do you think is causing the symptoms?

 Will you want me to have a scan? What sort of scan and what are you looking for?

 Will you want me to have a laparoscopy? What are you looking for?

 Do you think my fertility is affected?

 How can I control my symptoms?

 What treatments do you suggest and why?

 Are there any other options that I need to consider?

I hope that helps.

Best wishes,


Endometriosis UK

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