Hi everyone.
For months I've been having bad abdominal pain which comes and goes. It is usually worse around period time and when I'm constipated (which is often).
I have awful back pain, worsening at night which leaves me only lying on my back to relieve it a bit, along with that as of recent my knees have started to become very sore too is this linked to endo?
I finally got meeting my gynae consultant at hospital and he done an internal, my ovaries were fine, but he suggested that I could have endometriosis. He told me about the laparoscopy but thought it was a bit invasive right now for me so prescribed me on Cerelle pill (as I stopped my pill in march which is when all this pain started)
I also am tired constantly and bleed during sex, when I have the energy or wanting for sex that is.
So I just wanted to share, and to see if anyone could give me some info, does this sound like endo and is it the reason for everything that's happening?