I’ve had issues for the past year or so and after multiple doctors messing me around I Think I finally got a good one. I have had cervical erosion about 3/4 times now, but when I went in for a hysteroscopy, (which didn’t end up happening), I was burnt with electrical current instead. I’m getting really bad stomach and back pains, accompanied with feeling sick. I also have clear fluid coming out, to which I do not have a clue what it is as I was told I might bleed afterwards not this. I was also told that it sounds like after everything I’ve been through I have endometriosis, which I have seen a team for, but the doctor told me it was very unlike and if it was it would only be mild... Think she’s in trouble as the doctor said he would have a word with her. He said he would refer me for physio, to get my implant out, and double up the pill I am also on. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice. I’ve been pretty emotional about it all, and the pain isn’t helping me either, I just don’t really know what to expect from all of this. All I’ve been told is I might end up having surgery and that they won’t know if I can have kids until I try. Feel like I’ve been smacked with a load of information but now it’s more realistic, i just can’t stop crying.
Any help or info would be greatly appreciated because I honestly don’t know what to expect from all of this and right now it all just seems downhill...