Hi everyone
I hope you’re all ok. Can I have some advice please?
I finally had an MRI scan in January, after suspecting for decades I have endo. I’m on HRT for the Peri Menopause and Tranzamic Acid, for heavy bleeding. They do help.
The scan was in January and I never got any results, which shocked me. I had a HRT review and the nurse checked a system only medical staff can view, that isn’t linked to the NHS app. She said the scan showed I have endo and ando. The gyno already said he was pretty sure I had both.
I’ve called the hospital 3 times. They said they have a backlog and I just had to wait. I’ve now been told I’m on a waiting list for a phone appointment but they’ve no idea how many months that will be. The gyno has already told me he isn’t trained in Endo or Ando, so he’d have to refer me on.
I’m so frustrated as this has been ongoing since I was 14 for 31 years. It’s been left so long I worry what it’s done to my body. For decades I took no medication at all and just left it all.
Does anyone know what I can do to find out how bad it is and what stage it is? I’m guessing I can ask the gyno to refer me to an endo specialist and then beg for a laparoscopy but I’ve had to fight for years to get this far and I’m tired now. I’m really worried they’ll just leave it all and it will ruin the inside of my body. Or can an MRI scan show the stage and severity?
Any advice would be so welcome.
Thanks Helen