I'm due to get general anesthetic so I can have some dental work done.
I have severe anxiety and a severe gag reflex, making dental work all but impossible awake, so i have to be under for the work.
The only issue I have is that because of my anxiety, I get a gag reflex generally anyway, but I have a workaround. If for example I feel anxious as I walk through a shop, I'll pop a mint in my mouth, or have a sip of water, problem solved.
However, I can't have mints or drink before the surgery, and I'm concerned the occasional dry heaving and gagging is going to stir up my stomach acid causing the surgery to be called off.
Can anyone confirm if my fears are true? Or is this something that does occasionally happen? Would I be allowed the occasional ice chip? Having something to suck on just settles my anxieties for some reason