I have come to this website to try and get answers for my poor wife. 3 years ago this whole Endo saga started and we are still nowhere forward. She is 40 now and she had back in March some keyhole surgery to remove it. It went well I would say she really got some life back but now in November it has come back. We struggled to get an appt at Gynae but eventually got to see him. I went along with here and it was one of the vaguest descriptions I have ever heard, he had no idea where to go next. He organised an MRI scan and the results have come back that it's back in 3 places but we have to wait another 6 months to get back to gynae again to even discuss the next steps, surgery etc. I would like a second opinion now from someone who has more experience. where do you turn too?
NHS is too slow, Where to get a second op... - Endometriosis UK
NHS is too slow, Where to get a second opinion?

Under NHS rules you have a right to move hospitals if you are unhappy. You also have the right to ask for a second opinion.
As there is so little knowledge of endo, due to the lack of research, it is important to make sure that your wife is treated somewhere that has speciality. Have a look here for endometriosis centres to see if there is one near you.
Be warned that even specialists do not have many answers as it is massively under researched as compared to other diseases with similar prevalence such as diabetes. If I had a £ for every time they said "endometriosis is not well understood so we don't know for sure..."
A tip if you have some bad results to discuss with the doctor and need an earlier appointment is to get the phone number of the gynaecologist's secretary, explain why it is urgent and ask them to see if your appointment can be brought forward.
Best of luck to both of you. Your wife is lucky to have you fighting for her.
I will try this approach as there is a place in Aberdeen. Thats only an hour from us. I will ask we are referred to their for a second opinion. We have nothing to loose! Thanks
I went to the BSGE centre in Aberdeen Albyn. You get an appointment very quickly as unfortunately money talks x
I dont mind to be honest and i understand your point
How did you find the consultation and information? We were ready to go ahead and go for a hysterectomy but our NHS Gynae said dont do it, its a waste of money it will not help her. He then said when she "might need" is not available in private hospitals, so now I am lost. All we want is some fast medical care and to build a plan on how to try to resolve it. I know its not simple but we cannot wait 6 months for a 15 min chat to not have a plan to move forward and try to reduce some pain. She is at the point now where she cannot even goto the toilet and that is simply not acceptable the care we are getting.