Does anyone know what stage endometriosis is when it's on the pouch of Douglas I was told it was somewhere else but I can't remember 😬 was too out of it, then I forgot my discharge notes 😒 partner off back tomorrow for them x
Pouch of Douglas: Does anyone know what... - Endometriosis UK
Pouch of Douglas

Hope your well.
I have it on my pouch of Douglas with rectovaginal endo. I was told that it would usually be stage 4 but was told mine is stage 3 as it is contained in the same area, rectum, pod, lower part ureters and not on ovaries, tubes etc.
Thanks for your reply Cactus80 i should find out more today as my partner is picking up my discharge notes that we forgot after the lap, I was in a rush to get home to rest properly, sore today tho and the trapped wind is 😱 x
HI bubble poppy, I have endo on my pouch of Douglas and on my uterosacral ligaments and I'm only a stage 1.
It is so hard to remember what they say afterwards. 😂 I was exactly the same.
Hope you are doing ok afterwards and have a good recovery. Take your time and don't rush anything, give your body time to heal. X X X
Awe thanks for your reply I will give myself time to recover at the minute it's killing me my painkillers aren't working very well ☹️ so I'm throbbing with a stinking headache, and I wasn't given anything to bring home to take, hope your doing well xx
Hi, did you manage to find out what stage you are?
How's your recovery going? Xxx
Hiya my recovery is going really well I'm still sore and can't bend much but I feel loads better already thanks I'm not sure of the stage yet but I think mine is 1 because it was only POD and the umbilical, they said it was minimal the pain wasn't minimal tho 😂 how are you hope your doing well xx
I'm glad you managed to get an answer. It is such a relief to know what's wrong isn't it? I'm the same as you was minimal but was in so much pain! Definitely not minimal pain! I'm ok, I am nearly three months post lap, but my pain is back already. I think it's almost the same as before so that is a shame. Hope that you get better results but yeahs, take your time recovering! X X X
Oh that is a shame the crap we have to go through hay I do hope mine stays away longer and you get sorted out soon, was you on anything to suppress its regrowth or wasn't you given anything, do you think they maybe could have missed some somewhere, I haven't been given nothing but I'm asking my GP when I see him xx
What is the pain like and where do you get it?...just trying to see if my symptoms are similar to yours xx
Hi I had pain lower abdomen up to the bottom of the ribs down thighs and back, the pain in my stomach was the worsed it was like a stabbing pain that sometimes takes your breath away, the lap didn't do much for me it did for the first few months, I'm waiting on a new referral with extra symptoms now I have all the above plus pain in the hips more in my back that goes down the back of my knees too, so I'm still under investigation, I didn't have a specialist do the lap so that's maybe why hope your ok xx
You'll need to speak to the doctor. It's so strange. I used to think it meant stage 3 or 4 but it can also mean stage 1 or 2. Depends on whether it was peritoneal,microscopic or DIE. Hope you get some answers. Just remember thigh, the amount of disease does not correlate to the amount of pain a person has. Stages don't equate to pain levels. I know women withstage 4 and frozen pelvis who have zero pain and women with a few dots who are almost disabled.