Worse After Diagnostic Laparoscopy - Endometriosis UK

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Worse After Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Ema4390 profile image
3 Replies


I had a diagnostic laparoscopy in April (2019) for diagnosis and excision of endometriosis from my uterosacral ligament (left). Post operatively I have been far more symptomatic eg horrendous & continuing abdominal pain, ovulation pain, fatigue and increasingly poor pain management. Whilst experiencing new symptoms of debilitating lower back, hip and pelvic pain also.

After 6 months of oral Cerezatte (increased from 75mg up to 150mg) after continued bleeding after surgery. A new gynecologist has started me on Deceptyl injections (monthly) for 6 months (medical menopause) . In order to try to reduce my pain. It was the only option made available to me at the time, besides pregnancy. I am 29 and single so neither were ideal options.

I was simply wondering what others experience of this option was? I was given very little information!

What options are likely if treatment isn’t effective, in say 5 months time? Or if hormones do drive pain what happens when they are turned “back on” are you worse for it long term for putting your body into early menopause vs. endometriosis reoccurrence?

I would be very appreciative of any suggestions or kind advice.

Thank you so very kindly Emma

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Ema4390 profile image
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3 Replies
luthien profile image

I can't help much with the hormone side of things as I'm currently not on any, and haven't been on any for years; I'm over a year post op and haven't needed any yet. Some hormones can have their own side effects which could make your symptoms worse, so perhaps a different one may work better. Have you considered not being on any hormones for a month or two just to see what your normal cycle symptoms are like? Did you go straight on hormones after your lap? My endo specialist doesn't let any of the ladies he operates on go on hormones until about 4 months post lap - thats when he does the follow up and so we have time to see what our new "normal" is after things have settled - which can take up to 5 months especially if a lot of excision has been carried out.

Are you still seeing your endo specialist for you pill changes? It may be an idea to see if you can be referred to one as they'd know what pills would work best to help you with your treatment.

I can help with the new symptoms of back pain, hip pain; I had endo excised off one of my uteroscacral ligaments too (can't remember which one!). It's one of two ligaments which attaches our uterus to our sacrum and keeps it in the right position. If it's inflamed or operated on it can be loose / tight thus adjusting our sacrum and coccyx position. The pain actually common post operatively and just being women. Check out my post, I replied to another lady about a the same problem;


It can be sorted, or at least reduced especially if it's a trauma / stress problem causing tightness.

I'm sorry I can't be of much help regarding hormones, but hopefully you'll find something useful in my post about your back and pelvic pain when you find it in the link :) xx

I'm quite new to all these options and hadn't heard of hormonal therapy for inducing early menopause before, but read an article the other day that would seriously make me think twice about it because of new links they've found between Alzheimer's and menopause. I don't wish to scare you, but I found it a very interesting article, and I would want to be informed about it if I were going through it myself. medium.com/neurotrack/menop...

As I say, I'm not well informed on what options are available, only recently receiving a possible diagnosis myself, but I hope this is helpful in some way. I'm currently on the combined pill to try and treat my symptoms, but I've only just started this so can't give advice one way or the other. Perhaps it might be helpful to get a second opinion from another doctor. Good luck!

EndoPie profile image

I started Decopeptyl immediately after surgery. I had my first hot flush 3 hours after my first injection! I am taking Livial/Tibolone to counter some of the effects. So far I am ok. I am loving not having periods and the pain that goes with them. I moved overseas where Decopetyl is not available so I’m having Zoladex instead. I’m still ok, but probably having a few more hot flushes. The idea is for me to continue this treatment for a year (post op). I’m 50 but not yet menopausal; I hope that by the time this treatment ends I will have reached a natural menopause. I still have some bloating, but not as severe as before and I still have random abdominal pains but this could still be post operative healing...I’ve got my fingers crossed for myself and I wish you all the best.

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