Hi everyone, I'm new here and am in some desperate need of support and advice.
I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2014 after a lengthy battle with healthcare professionals, hospital admissions, and incorrect diagnosis'.
Since this time I have trialled different courses of medications, had numerous hospital admissions and have got absolutely nowhere. I feel like the endometriosis attacks are becoming more regular and are now having a significant impact on my quality of life! - i've just registered as a mental health nurse and been in my post for 5 weeks, 2 of these 5 weeks i've been off sick due to my endometriosis.
Since Sunday (time of writing it is Thursday of the following week) i have been in hospital with chronic abdominal pains. Surgeons believed it could either be my endometriosis or appendicitis. They decided to take me for emergency laparoscopy and they found another two patches of endometriosis of which they treated (my appendix was absolutely fine). My bowel was very distended which they said could have something to do with my endometriosis.
The only options i have been given following the surgery are as follows:
To start the Depot injection with the aim to stop my periods (I began this the same day the conversation took place).
To have a follow up appointment with a gynaecologist in three months time - to review how the injection is working for me.
To be seen as an outpatient by the chronic pain management team - currently when i have a flare up i use morphine to control my pain levels, which puts me out of work and out of...well anything to be honest.
Is there anything anyone can suggest for me to improve my current situation. It's taken an emergency admission into hospital and emergency surgery for me to finally (what feels like) prove that i do need help.