Ovarian cyst/endo after hysterectomy - Endometriosis UK

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Ovarian cyst/endo after hysterectomy

Kangalou profile image
1 Reply

I had a hysterectomy in August 2018. I’d had endometriosis and the hysterectomy confirmed adenomyosis.

My recovery was straightforward and I had a great few pain free months. I got back into sport and was really feeling great.

Pain started a few months ago - very familiar and I was gutted. Went back to the GP and asked for some painkillers; he referred me for a scan.

The scan showed a small (4cm) cyst which may be a simple haemorrhaghic cyst but could equally be an endometrioma. They referred me to gynae.

After the scan (23 Aug), my pain got progressively worse, sometimes so bad I was unable to move and close to being sick. That’s subsided now, but has left me with a massive bloated belly, more of an ongoing period pain and generally feeling knackered. The bloating is making it hard to eat.

I’ve seen a gynae consultant since my scan and he basically said to keep taking painkillers and he’ll repeat the scan at the end of this month.

If the cyst is still there then he’ll operate, if not he’s suggested I go on the pill.

I’m a bit worried (terrified, actually) that the scan will show no cyst and I’ll be left to struggle with what could be a recurrence of endo. I’m so gutted to be feeling so awful again and I can’t bear the idea of being back in that dark place.

I guess I have two questions which I was hoping you ladies might be able to help with:

1) has anyone been in this boat and if so, what happened? Any tips for getting the best treatment?

2) has anyone taken the pill after hysterectomy to deal with endometriosis? What was your experience?

Thank you! X

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EndoJaz profile image

Hi I had a hysterectomy a couple of years ago and still suffered pain every month. I have a fibroma on my left ovary but they say at 1.8 cm it’s unlikely to cause me any pain. I am having another lap to see what else is happening. It’s so annoying to go thru a hyst and not be cured but at least I don’t have the flooding now as couldn’t cope with that. It’s taken 2 years to get them to listen and believe that I am still in pain. I even had a surgery last yr for a non existent hernia. Such a lot of time wasted. It def gets you down so much as u think u have found the answer. The thing is we will never be free of Endo but we have to live with it and find ways to manage it. Diet is a good place to start. Do you still have ovaries? Mine were left in. Good luck with it all. X

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