So I’ve had my second transvaginal ultrasound, haven’t had the results of this one yet but the last one the gynaecologist told me if it was endometriosis more than likely she would see it on the ultrasound is that right? She then dish charged me to urology and it has taken me a year to see them and get referred back to gyno again. I have an appointment coming up in October wondering if there are any questions or things I can say to try and get them to listen and get myself a diagnoses
Did the ultrasound pick up your endo? - Endometriosis UK
Did the ultrasound pick up your endo?
It is possible to see endo on ultrasound, all depends on the type of machine they use. But I'm assuming that if they are specifically looking for endo then they would use machine that would find it.
I would suggest to keep a diary and write down your everyday symptoms and period/spotting. So your gyno then have a better idea if there is a pattern and see your symptoms.
I had scan before I had my first lap and all that was seen was cysts. When they done my lap they found endo attached to my bowel, pelvis and a few other spots. Before second lap I had transvaginal scan and again nothing more than scar tissue was seen. Second lap the endo had spread. Just explain to them all your pains and symptoms. Even the things you don’t think are relevant tell them as it could be a symptom x
The only way to diagnose endometriosis is by having a laparoscopy. It is not more than likely that it would be seen on the scan! The ultrasound may pick up cysts or lesions but if you get told that the scan is clear don’t let them tell you you don’t have endometriosis. The only way they can tell you that you don’t have endometriosis is if you have laparoscopic surgery with a skilled surgeon. And even then it can be missed. Keep a log of all your symptoms and keep fighting your corner!
They found both my cysts with a transvaginal ultrasound. When I went for the laparoscopy they found a lot more. Hope this helps
Only an extremely well-trained gynaecologist can see endometriosis via ultrasound.
Here in my country (Italy) excision surgeons and gyns working at endo centres are taught to do that but unfortunately in other countries they are not given that the diagnosis comes (alas, too often) only via laparoscopy.
If you want a gyn to diagnose endo via ultrasound, I've got the name of 1 or 2 able to do that in the UK.
My endo didn’t show up on ultrasound scan but when they did a lap they found it...ask to see a specialist who deals with endo
I've had 5 ultrasounds at 4 different hospitals; the last two were 2 months apart but only on the last one was it spotted - the instant the doppler went on my belly!
That sonographer specialised in endometriosis which I understand isn't common.
The sonographer prior told me it wasn't possible to see endometriosis unless there was a cyst & ultrasound wouldn't look at the bowel. The consultant agreed the only possible sign would be a cyst.
The specialist found endo on my bowel & a handful of other signs including some things you would've thought to be obvious like an ovary stuck to the uterus. But no cyst . . . my understanding now is that it's stage 3 or 4 that can be seen with experience.
I would ask the sonographer if they have experience of spotting endometriosis, ask what they are looking for & what areas they are examining. Ask them to talk you through it.
I found it helpful that my last sonographer was training another sonographer to look for endo so she was quite verbal already - but I don't see why they could talk the patient through it!
I since found a presentation on YouTube by CityImaging that was helpful. Search "endometriosis ultrasound", I think they've done more than one video.
If they find nothing it doesn't mean you don't have it by any stretch of the imagination!! Only if you have a laparoscopy will you be sure.