Hello, for a few years now at random point in the year my skin will begin to form this thing that looks like a rash but isn't as it's flat skin so no broken skin around it but these red spots that itch like crazy will appear. Today I woke up with one to the most intense patches I have seen. They have a tendency to fade away after a few days. In real life the patches are a lot more red than they appear in the photo. Does anyone know if this could be because of Endo or is there a different explanation for it? Thank you in advance
Could it be because of Endo?: Hello, for a... - Endometriosis UK
Could it be because of Endo?

Is it like little blood spots under the skin? If so then I had this the other week over my stomach but doctors reassured me some people can just be prone to them and I was just back from holiday and supposedly sun exposure can cause it.
Maybe worth mentioning next time you’re at the GP! I wouldn’t worry too much tho, especially if it fades
Hi Joanna19,
I'm not a medical professional but I don't feel this skin condition would be directly related to Endometriosis. It could be an allergic reaction or similar and it may be that your immune system is low due to Endometriosis which means your body is more susceptible.
Please do go see your GP if you are worried. If anything they will be able to recommend or prescribe a cream to help relieve the symptoms.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Volunteer Moderator
I don't think this has anything to do with endometriosis but I get this sometimes. My skin it really sensitive so I react to a lot of things and this is one of the reactions I sometimes get. Have you come into contact with different soap, cream, laundry products, an animal (even if the animal is not new to you/your environment it could be something in their fur like pollen from being outside for example - this use to happen to me a lot when we had a cat that went outdoors) or someone who may have been wearing something that you reacted to? You could have come into contact with an irritant by trying on clothing at a store, or carrying something for someone else. Have you been outside in a park or field where you could have come into contact with something either directly or carried on the wind? Used a different deodorant or wore clothing made of a material that could have rubbed and caused irritation? It could also be caused by sweat, especially in warmer weather or if you have been exercising. I would either try calamine cream or an oatmeal containing product like Aveeno Dermexa balm to ease the itch and see if it settles down in a day or two. Watch it to make sure it doesn't spread in the meantime. If it becomes worse, spreads, or the skin breaks then I would go see your GP. You may find that allergy meds help as well, if you are able to take them.