Does anyone know whether having kissing ovaries directly affects fertility? I had a laparoscopy last year to remove a 9 cm endometrioma on my right ovary and adhesions. They put my ovaries back in place so to speak but on an ultrasound post op they found they had gone back to their initial kissing position. Has anyone had experience of this, and able to conceive? Greatful for any advice, thanks!
Kissing ovaries : Does anyone know whether... - Endometriosis UK
Kissing ovaries

I have the same and was told it may cause earlier loss of ovarian reserve. I did get pregnant but misscarried - impossible to know if the egg quality was affected by this or the endo in the ovary (I had also surgery to remove a large endometriosis). I then moved to ivf and have a 6 week old baby from my first cycle. Good luck!
Kissing ovaries indicate the presence of many adhesions. You definitely need surgery to optimize chances of conception
Hi there I had surgery to remove adhesions but as I said my ovaries went straight back post op. The consultant said that it shouldn’t affect being able to conceive I just wanted to hear any personal experiences. I know this is going to be a long journey and I may not be able to conceive at all but believe in being positive
I don't know, I've seen miracles happen and I've also seen people with unexplained infertility so anything can happen. Did the surgeon adopt the precautions of the case (meaning he did everything in his power during surgery to avoid adhesion formation such as using specific tools, plasma from the patient, keeping the area wet all the time, making sure all blood was removed before proceeding, etc...). Adhesions don't come back so quickly unless the surgeon was superficial during surgery or unless you have an insanely high susceptibility.
Quote from WebMD: "Steps are taken during surgery to try and minimize the formation of adhesions. Some of these may include: shortening surgical time, keeping the tissues moist, gentle handling of any tissues or organs, and using starch –free and latex-free gloves. Several surgical products have also been developed to try to help prevent adhesions from forming during surgery."