Im New Here What are the Next Steps for m... - Endometriosis UK

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Im New Here What are the Next Steps for my Doctor to take me Seriously and Help me After a Clear Ultrasound?

Sheace profile image
3 Replies

Im new here, and found this site as Im at my wits end and was googling what could possibly be next.

Ive had incredibly painful periods since I first got them about 10 years ago, always complained to my doctor with no avail. The pain is so bad I pass out, vomit, and often miss school and work. After a year of severe "lung pain"( right below the bottom of my rib cage) accompanying the periods I started on birth control. It helped at first but now that I have been on it for a year I've realized my "lung pain" is back, but now its all the time, its so bad when it strikes I cannot sleep, I cant walk, and its incredibly hard to breathe because of the pain.

My doctor gave me an ultrasound to test for endometriosis and it came back "clear". They tried to do a trans vaginal ultrasound but couldn't get the wand in because it caused me so much pain. (Another possible symptom, Ive never been able to really have penetration? I cannot have intercourse with my boyfriend even after plenty of prep. We have only done it once, after a lot of pain and waiting and mild pain during)

Ive even been brought to the hospital and skipped the que because of how bad the pain was, they gave an ultrasound to my lungs, ran blood tests and took an xray and didnt see anything. To make matters worse I want to check up with my doctor to see what else can be done to help with the pain but last time I went, even thought I went because I told them I realized penetration wasnt possible they tried to do a pap test on me. Im terrified obviously, and explained this to them. They keep calling me to schedule the pap but I cannot physically do it, nothing can go in and its excruciating. Ive been ignoring going to the doctor to see if he can help my pain because I know they'll want a pap which will hurt and will probably overlook my issues again.

I feel as if my incredible pain and my inability to withstand penetration is being over looked and I have no idea what to do anymore. I just turned 21 and I feel like a hopeless little girl who my doctor wont take seriously?

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Sheace profile image
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3 Replies
Holleymuzz profile image

An ultrasound is mainly used to rules out any other conditions NOT to diagnose endometriosis. I had a clear ultrasound and a clear mri. Once they did a lap the endo was everywhere. Yes there other things that could be causing the penetration pain other then endometriosis but these things can only really be explored by a gynaecologist. You have to be your own advocate and push to make sure you are referred to a gynaecologist. Make complaints to your doctors surgery manager or even ask for different drs till you get that referral x

Laura_T profile image

My scan only showed cluster of cysts on ovary. Only way to find out is through diagnose lap. When I had mine I didn’t even know what endo was. You need to request to see a gynaecologist on NHS or ask to see one privately as you’ll be seen quicker. If doctor doesn’t listen to you take someone that is more assertive with you. I only started to have painful intercourse the day I had a sharp pain and passed watery blood. The pain was unreal and since then I suffer all the time. The doctor referred me for the scan, swabs and to gyne straight away as you shouldn’t have painful intercourse or pass blood after it. Hope this helps x

endokicker1 profile image

Hi Sheace,

Im sorry you are going through this kind of pain. Like others have said, an ultrasound does not necessarily show endometriosis. Only a surgery can confirm.

Also, the painful sex and painful penetration might be vaginismus as well.

My advice would be:

1. I believe you need to see a pelvic therapist, they are so good and usually able to help with pelvic pain, vaginismus etc. Even before surgery, you can begin to feel positive improvements.

2. You need to go back to your GP, and ask that you be referred to an endometriosis centre. You can take some of the leaflets from Endometriosis UK, which show the symptoms and explain that you have these symptoms and you want it to be looked into. The BSGE website has a list of accredited endo centres so you can also find the closest one to you, and push for this.

What many of us have found is that you need to keep pushing until the doctors listen. it is hard, but we are all we've got.

Message me if you want to chat some more and I wish you all the best.

Take care xx

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