What to expect from an MRI? I had one a couple months ago and get my results on the 8th August when I meet Professor Rymer at Guys Hospital. What if she tells me no Endo can be seen on the MRI? Is that likely? I just keep fearing that I will be fobbed off again when I can’t live in this pain anymore! I was diagnosed 5 years ago now under general gynaecologists and the pain has just got worse and worse. It’s taken me so long to find a good hospital! Just wondering what people’s stories were about MRI’s and results etc, if they were clear did an op still happen and was Endo found during the op? Thanks
MRI - any endo show up?: What to expect... - Endometriosis UK
MRI - any endo show up?

My MRI was really good, provided a lot of detail about the extent of my endo before my hysterectomy. X
No endo showed up on my MRI at all just fibroids but when I had surgery they found It behind my womb, pouch of Douglas, rectum and cervix.
I have heard only deep infiltrating endo shows up on MRI’s
Keep pushing for answers if it’s clear, you know your body best x
I got my results on Tuesday and it wasnt the answers I wanted. I was diagnosed with endo last year September from a gynaecology specialist then I referred myself to a bsge centre as I was stage 3 and surgery was taking ages. I had endo in my ovary and behind my uterus. mri detected my bowel is bent and been pushed to the right because I have endometrioma all over my bowel which I had no pain or idea about. I an now stage 4 and need 2 surgery and need a temp stoma bag. So my results as much as they were not expected I am glad they found it.
Good luck and please be prepared for the worse too. As I wasnt prepared to hear about my bowel issue or a stoma bag.
MRI is helpful in determining the extent of deep infiltrating endometriosis. As far as I know, it wont really pick up endo unless this
I'd had xrays and 2 separate laparocopies under general gynae and found nothing.
MRI privately 20+ years later showed deep endo in bowel and pouch of Douglas.
Once I'd had excision surgery (privately) the full extent of the endo was revealed. Has a full hysterectomy (had adenomyosis also) 6 weeks after excision and have had further excision since the hysterectomy as it returned on bowel.
The key is to find someone who knows about endo to carry out the laparoscopy. Only then will you get your answers.
Good luck x
No Endo showed on my MRI but adenomyosis. Consultant still sure I had Endo so had a laparoscopy a few months after to investigate x
Hi there
my MRI showed severe endometriosis so in my case it was a way to diagnose the endo.
Hi there. I've just posted a similar story to you. I had a Negative Laparoscopy in March this year done by a general Gynaecologist. I sought a second opinion privately, he suggested I go back to GP and ask to be reffered back to Gynaecology as I can't afford private treatment. He suggested I come off my Depo Injection and ask for a repeat Laparoscopy or an MRI, as my symptoms and clinical history indicate Endo. I saw Gynaecologist again and he reluctantly agreed to do an MRI as he 'doubts it will show anything'. I got a letter through the post the other day saying 'I now have your MRI results avaliable. A clinical appointment will be arranged for you for further discussion and further management in light of the MRI results which showed (?) Endometriosis'. So my MRI obviously picked something up. I was on the Depo for 4 years, so this may have potentially been hiding it, or, from what I've read it may be Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis which doesn't always show on a Laparoscopy. My point is, keep fighting for answers, you know your body and you know when something isn't right. Good luck. Xx