Second surgery, overy removal, scared - Endometriosis UK

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Second surgery, overy removal, scared

3 Replies

Dear Endometriosis Sufferers,

I am losing my sh*t right now!

Quick history - after years and years of excruciating pain during period, for which I was told "suck it up, it is just a period", the situation became so bad I wasn't able to walk. After an A&E visit on suspition of kidney or appendix problem, I was referred to a gyno. He decided a lap is needed to confirm a suspition of endo. The lap was done in 2017, I was almost killed on the table after the surgeon stroke an artery in my tummy and DIDN'T(!) call a vascular collegue but decided to try and stop with some medicine. So I bleed and bleed and bleed...for three hours....Whatever....Surgery was a success, according to (same) surgeon. I did have a pain relief - for about 4 months.....After that - "Hello darkness, my old friend". I was indirectly called crazy, because "we did the surgery, pain is in your head". Ok, various therapies were tried, from pain management to hormonal one - nothing worked. My biggest problem was the same sharp pain on the right....."It's in your head" - the most humiliating sentense! I had many advices from gp's, from "just get pregnant - it will cure the endo" to "probably your nerves are damaged". At the end I managed to convince my gp to send me for ultrasound, external. OMG, the technician was an outright sadist! I have had external ultrasound before, nobody ever pressed me, this guy though!!!! It was more painful that waking up from surgery. His findings - cyst, 2.5 cm, right ovary. He wanted to perform an internal ultrasound - I refussed!.......Was told it is normal to have cysts, should just monitor it.....Now fast-forward some months, my hubby and I moved to Germany. Finding a speciallist here was not an easy task. I was told (again) pain is in my head. I was told (even thought I shared my plans for starting a family) I should opt for the depo shot....

And finally - certified endo clinic! Appointment today! Doc (woman) extremely careful, internal ultrasound painful, but she tried her best, apologised many times. She believed me when I said it hurts ALL THE TIME, IT BLOODY HURTS ALL THE TIME....I am so tired of this pain......Her findings - endo cyst right ovary 4cm, endo cyst left ovary 2.5cm, nod upper uterus, possible nods pouch of douglas. Scheduled for a surgery in little over 2 weeks.

The problem - even thought the left cyst is smaller, it completely covered and absorbed my ovary - she can't save it. Needs to be removed...Possible removal of right ovary if things go south. She is going to check my tubes, if they are fucked - removal of tubes. She can't remove nod on uterus, too dangerous. Even if it is malignant it is too small , she said, should not kill me.Now - pouch of douglas. If the nods are too big she needs to call a general surgeon because part of my rectum may need removal. She will wake me up to discuss it. Worse case scenario - removal of parts of my small intentines and having one of those poop bags (I AM REALLY AFRAID OF THIS POSSIBILITY).

Surgery will be long.


Please, any words of encouragement!

I just need a female sholder(s) to cry on!

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3 Replies

p.s. sorry for mistakes, very upset...

Galwambu profile image

Oh my goodness,that sounds like so much to take in.I can't even begin to imagine.You sound like you are in good hands though and they'll do the best they can.Am so sorry for the mistakes done before and being told the pain is in your head.This condition is so awful.You are in my prayers and I wish you the best in your surgery

in reply to Galwambu

Thank you very much! I really appreciate it!:)

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