ENDO BELLY/BLOATING! : Pleeeeeaaase can... - Endometriosis UK

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bbundey profile image
14 Replies

Pleeeeeaaase can someone (anyone!) give me any suggestions to help me with bloating. It’s getting worse and worse and nothing I’ve tried seems to help. Any suggestions with diet, exercise routines, supplements, herbal remedies, anything!

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bbundey profile image
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14 Replies

What works for me : absolutely no sugar!!!! not even a gram!!! please be aware there is hidden sugar in innocent foods like yogurt, bread, etc, always read labels!!! if you drink coffee/tea use honey! on that note, I drink only 1 coffee a day, no tea - minimize the caffeine intake. no milk products!!!! absolutely non, again very important, read labels. now, I can't vouch for gluten, because I also have coeliac disease, so I've been gluten (and grain!!!) free for years, so I don't know how a non coeliac's body will react. no corn!!! highly inflammatory!!!! absolutely, absolutely, absolutely no soy!!!!! again - label reading!!!! no nightshade veg - no potatoes, no tomatoes, etc.

Now for your gut! Broccoli, salmon (fresh or wild frozen, not smoked), brussels sprouts, pears, berries, apples, kale, leafy greens in general, cauliflower, courgettes, avoid red meat (I have it twice per month).do not buy gluten free product like bread- it is full with shits!!!do not buy vegan cheese- again full with shits. prepare your food yourself, daily.

It will not be an over night cure, i would say up to a month, but it will get better.

Sorry if my post is a bit rude (because of the !!!!) but I just want to attract your attention to the stuff you should avoid to resolve the problem.:)

Thecraftyadder profile image
Thecraftyadder in reply to

I'm just curious as to why you say no smoked salmon? I've not come across that anywhere before...

in reply to Thecraftyadder

Hello there,

Because processed meat, even fish, is not very healthy. Depends also in the way the fish was smoked - cold or hot. Vast majority is cold smoked. The problem with that is that bacterias like Listeria monocytogenes will not be killed. Another problem to consider is the salt intake. A portion roughly about 85 gr contains 666 milligrams of sodium, more than one third of a day's worth. The same serving size of cooked fresh salmon has 50 milligrams.

There's also concern that eating smoked foods can increase cancer risk. Smoked fish contains nitrates and nitrites, byproducts of the smoking process. The concern is that nitrites and nitrates can be converted in the body to N-nitroso compounds, which have been shown to cause stomach cancer in lab animals.

I think the best eating is clean eating - learned that the hard way. In my experience if I prepare my food from fresh I've got no problems.

Thecraftyadder profile image
Thecraftyadder in reply to

Ok so it's general eating advice rather than something specific just to endometriosis. I love smoked salmon and eat it once a week but I'll definitely pay closer attention to the smoking process and salt content in future. Thanks for clarifying.

in reply to Thecraftyadder

My pleasure! You can still eat it once a week if you don't have issues. I was giving advice in this case for bloating prevention. The same goes for chemicals in pre-prepared food, a lot of people bloat from them as well (including me)- dye, monosodium glutamate, milk powder, etc.

Littlepeax profile image
Littlepeax in reply to

Wow this is spot on! Very tru

Faybee87 profile image

Sugar is really bloating, I also find too much fibre at certain times of the month sets it off too, so I avoid potato skins and apples and beans/legumes then (I couldn't tell you whenabouts, I just get a physical feeling that I know they'll affect me). I cut out gluten way before I was diagnosed but on the few occasions that I've accidentally eaten it I have bloated up and looked like I was 7 months pregnant. I try to eat healthy bacteria, like raw sauerkraut and live yoghurt regularly to keep my gut healthy. Peppermint tea, activated charcoal and windeze help in the short term, as does pineapple juice.

lap1 profile image

Only one thing got my endo belly to go down: progesterone pills. On their own, not the combined birth control. I don’t normally react well to synthetic hormones so in my case I got a friend to post me visanne from France : it’s not available in the UK unfortunately but it’s the kindest progesterone on the market. Have you tried progesterone pills?

BonitaBB profile image

Endo belly is the worse!!

I've found cucurmin & bioperine supplements really helpful for bloating and reducing inflammation on top of cutting out caffeine & gluten & soy. I'm aware I shouldn't eat sugar and probs shouldn't drink alcohol, but felt life's too short :) so decided to take a bit of swelling here and there...it's all down to you and what things you want to do/ don't want to do and seeing what your body reacts to.

angrychickie profile image

Agree with no sugar! Also...gluten/any kind of grains makes my belly bloated. I’ve been using the Wahl’s diet (the Paleo Plus version). I don’t eat meat, though, just fatty fish, clams and mussels. I used the diet two years ago when it was thought my issue was MS. After about a month of the diet, i felt amazing!!! I had energy for the first time in my life. Then the MRI showed no sign of MS and i slid off the diet wagon. Back on it after feeling 100% miserable for several months. It takes about a month for it to fully kick in, but it’s anti-inflammatory, non-dairy, no grains, and high nutrient. Dr. Terry Wahls wrote a book explaining how the diet works (recommend reading before switching to the diet).

I’d also advise against eating out. I get bloated nearly every time (who knows what is put into the food). I’ve become accustomed to just ordering a plain salad if i have to go out, or telling staff i’m allergic to grains and dairy (which often gets an eye roll). Also switched from coffee to green tea and i’ve noticed improvement.

I hope you find something that works!

StefaniaJW profile image

Anti-inflammatory diet. Yes to water, matcha green tea with one traspoon of honey, kefir, kombutcha, coconut milk, fish of any kind, veggies of any kind (apart from tomatoes, eggplant and bell peppers), in-season organic fruit, almond, walnuts, free range eggs and grass-fed meat once a week. Three servings of veggies and at least one of fruit a day are required. Fish should be consumed at least three times a week.

Sugar, refined carbs, alcohol, anything with colouring or preservatives or added sugars, cured meats, desserts, sweets, bread/pasta/pizza/breadsticks/crackers/biscuits or any other product with refined carbs, industrial meat of any kind -even chicken, dairy of any kind, soy, fried foods should be eliminated completely from your diet for at least three months.

This as far as dieting goes.

As far as supplements, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, selenium and zinc are proven to lack in women with endo. Probiotics, butyrate and aloe vera can help cleanse and support the gut, thus reducing constipation, inflammation and the endo belly.

Please breathe correctly and chew mindfully. Eat while sitting and slowly is important.

Please sleep at least 9 hours per night. Walk or do some gentle swimming or yoga EVERYDAY (even just 10 minutes). Expose yourself to the sun at least 15 minutes a day everyday in the summer to get the anti-inflammatory vitamin D going.

Arvigo massage (Maya Abdominal massage) and tui-na massages help too.

If none of this work, try intermittent fasting (supported and approved by a physician or nutritionist).

Best of luck!

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image

I literally came on here to write this exact problem..I don't no why but atm it's awful, every day, bloating, belly pains!

Hope you feel better soon x

Littlemermaid03 profile image

Peppermint oil has worked wonders for me when i experience bloating. Hope you can find relief soon. xxx

Aghl profile image

Holy crap. All of this info is mind blowing. I am post op 4 weeks. I have been drinking peppermint tea and green tea every morning. I have stopped bread and pasta and milk. Tryed coconut milk for the first time. Bit different but I will get used to it. I am so tired all the time. I am lucky if I get 6 hours sleep a night.i have seriously reduced my intake of food portions and have lost almost a stone in weight since the op. Sometimes cant be bothered eating but I know I'm hungry. Looking at my past daily diet with the above info you have pretty much knock out my whole nutrition as I eat all of that you advise not to. My mind is blown I now do not know what to eat. I usually go for chicken products no one else in the house eats fish so I dont have very often. I also eat couscous and a lot of veg

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