ITS NOT A COMPETITION : I have recently... - Endometriosis UK

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jesslouisa1 profile image
10 Replies

I have recently been told by someone on the Facebook endo group ‘I’m worse than you so you can’t moan’ shit like that just makes accepting my diagnosis and moving on so much more difficult. It got so bad to the point I was threatened for posting in the page.

Has anyone else suffered bitchyness like this?

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jesslouisa1 profile image
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10 Replies
princessk09 profile image

Omg I’m so sorry that happened. Endometriosis affects everyone differently so she can’t go around saying stuff like that. I would maybe report her because you should feel free to post wherever and whatever you like. We are all going through the same condition, problems and pain and should all help each other 💛

I’ve had bitchyness from friends without endo and ex boyfriends which is different but they would always say “it can’t be that bad” or “you’re just lying so you don’t have to go out”

Keep your head high and just ignore her bitchy comments xxx

Suzileverell profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about this! It's so heart breaking to hear someone els with endometriosis has been saying stuff like that. We are all having a hard time and no one really knows what it is like for each individual because we are all different.

I don't have a dyagnosis but my symptoms are to the book and even the Drs don't know what els it could be.

I have been living with pain for a long time now and it has taken 3 years for friends and family to understand it's not just in my head and it's not mental health problems. I have found myself in situations where I can't even get out of bed. Family would tell me I should get up for work because I'm depressed and I can't been in that much pain even though I couldn't move.

An ex best friend had a similar problem to me yet it only took her 3 months to get a dyagnosis because she was private. But what she did say to me in front of all my other friends was that she is going through allot more because her Drs are more warried about her and that is why she was referred to have an MRI and surgery almost instantly. Yet the only reason why she referred so quickly and I didn't was because she's private and I'm on the NHS.

Just hold your head up high and stay strong. 💛xx

lorraine1981 profile image

Hi i had a lot of people telling me if i lost weight then my endometriosis would disappear. That im lazy, when im feeling exhausted and fatigued. Unfortunately some people are just plan horrible.

Doggiedogmom1973 profile image

yes I do, only by people who are distant from me and don't understand endo, and neither want to understand or believe me. I hate it when people mention another disease that's got massive awareness ie. Cancer, and use that massive awareness for that disease against me, when I'm trying to educate them about a silent misunderstood condition ie. endometriosis. Up to them to listen and stop being bitchy, because they couldn't be more wrong. Endometriosis is absolutely disgusting, everyone deserves the freedom to talk about it, no matter what stage they have it in. I'd say try another group to talk to, honestly, that person must just be having it rough and should be using their experience to help and not squash personnel. Sadly my very own family treat me along these lines of making me feel like I am not bad or 'sick' enough...mind blowing really.

AllthatGlitters profile image

I would ignore someone like that as they sound uneducated & a bit of a know it all. You will get plenty of support on here :) Facebook can be awful as people hide behind a screen & upset others x

jesslouisa1 profile image
jesslouisa1 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Exactly, here I feel it’s a bit more private and I can genuinely be myself when I’m asking for help or support

BendyClare profile image

People with stage I endometriosis can be in debilitating pain, with their quality of life severely diminished. While some people with stage IV can sometimes not even know they have the disease. Your level of disease isn’t dictated by your symptoms. Any support group who allows this kind of bullying is not a real support group. I’d report the comment t and see how that goes, and if your group Admin are not helpful, perhaps find a more supportive “support group”. With diseases like this support is so important. X

jesslouisa1 profile image
jesslouisa1 in reply to BendyClare

Only issue is it was done face to face after she saw me saying I’m struggling on the post, so I don’t know if anything can be done

BendyClare profile image
BendyClare in reply to jesslouisa1

Ugh! Be strong and say that her face! Some people are unbelievable. I’m sorry that happened to you!

endokicker1 profile image

Most people know that endo affects people in different ways and you shouldnt have to feel bad for your own situation. But like we know, the world is a nasty place and there will always be negative people. My advice is to take yourself out of any negative space and find positive people to relate with. The endo community actually has a lot of amazing people so dont feel like you are alone.

Sending you lots of love xxx

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