Had my appointment changed to June from April couldn't attend so changed it the woman was seriously cocky ,Tells me that I can only change my appointment once yet it's ok for them to change it arrrghhh .Does anyone suffer when ovulating I get rectal pain then and pain around my hips /ovaries when urinating or opening my bowels when ovulating?
Gynacologist appointment not till july - Endometriosis UK
Gynacologist appointment not till july

Oh tell me about it! My April appt has been rescheduled for August and when I ring to complain I just get told there are no appts! I am so angry and upset, same pains as you with bladder and bowel pains..passing out with pain and still we have to wait with no help. Had MRI March but still no results. Dr has written but still nothing. I just cry and get so stressed about it all, every day is a struggle. Hope u get somewhere soon x
Is this appointment with an experienced endo excision surgeon? It's absolutely pointless to go to a regular gynaecologist. Rectal pain and hip pain may indicate severe adhesions surrounding your ovaries, probably attached to the bowel.
It's just the gynacologist that's where the doctors have referred me to be honest she didn't have a clue herself it was her first day actually practising so I think it was just easier to pass me on x
If I were you I'd get referred STRAIGHT to an endo excision surgeon and talk to him/her directly. I wouldn't let a normal, experienced gynaecologist touch me, let alone a person on their first day practicing. If the doctor doesn't have a clue, that's a really bad sign. I don't know how referrals work in the UK, if you can get pick up the phone and call an endo specialist yourself or if you need intermediaries. If you need help finding one reach out to me
Where in the world are you? I think here in the UK we have to go through gynacologists to get referred to anyone else x
I'm from Italy. Here you need no referrals. If you think you have endo, you can ring an endo center right away. If they don't feel like endo is advanced enough to cut you open, you'll still get a visit and they will discuss options with you. I was diagnosed 6 months after the onset of the first symptoms. I've heard a BSGE registered hospital is ideal with endo. My advice, however, is to go to the Nancy Nook group on Facebook, look for a gynaecologist who is an excision surgeon who works with the NHS and get referred to him/her.
I have to wait until Aug to see the endo specialist as apparently there are no specialists here in Bristol! It's impossible...have complained but they just get annoyed every time I ring and hassle them for a cancellation appt.
Hi Jaz,
Which hospital is it you have been seen in? I had the choice of st michaels, southmead or cossham. I went with st michaels as it is bsge registered so I would have hoped there would be an endo specialist there?!
I’m still quite early on in the diagnosis stage though and have only just had my first gynaecology appointment
Hi, This is at Southmead, had my hysterectomy there and now 2 yrs on pain so much worse, its taken so long to get to this stage where they actually believe its endo but cant see anyone until August and havent even had my mri results from March yet. A few people have told me St Michaels so much better. X
Oh gosh! What a nightmare. I almost went for south mead as at the time they had the nearest appointment date but then I remembered that I wouldn’t want to go to south mead if I got hit on a bus right outside of it!
I work in care and have had no end of issues with a lot of different departments there and their cqc rating is terrible x