Hi, I had the Decapeptyl 2 weeks ago to bring on the medical menopause for my doctor to see if a full hysterectomy would benefit me and relieve my pain and hormones. Well, i'm in hell. Pain, bleeding, acne, headaches, weight gain and hormones so bad I could actually just run away.
I can't understand why he has given it me, he is meant to be helping me and this has just made life impossible.
I want to know if a full hysterectomy is the same as this. This injection floods you with hormones, i guess I was wondering if by removing everything the pain would have to go away as nothing to be in pain right.
Someone please help as right now I want to rip my insides out to get rid of this aweful drug out of my body.
Am I being inpatient and things should get better or is this it?