First Laparoscopy.: Hi everyone, i'm 17 and... - Endometriosis UK

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First Laparoscopy.

rubywoo1 profile image
8 Replies

Hi everyone, i'm 17 and having my first laparoscopy on Monday the 18th. How much time am I supposed to take off of School, my mum said I need to go back to school for the Thursday/Friday (so after 3/4 days) because I have my exams coming up, what is everyone else's opinion?

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rubywoo1 profile image
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8 Replies

Honestly I reckon you’ll be needing more time off than that, when I had my laparoscopy it was done on the Friday morning, and I was expecting to go back to work on the Monday morning, but it took me nearly a fortnight to fully recover. Everyone recovers differently though, and even though you’ll be sitting in school, it will still take a lot of you if you go back that early. Just don’t push yourself too much x

luthien profile image

Hi, it really depends on what you're having done and how long you take to recover, having said that 3 /4 days is way too soon, no doc will advise that. Most likely your specialist / doctor will give you a sick note on discharge from hospital, that can be between a week to three.

Even though it looks like a small operation as the incisions are so small, it's a big operation as you're under general anaesthetic. There's a lot that goes on; the anaesthetic takes about 3 days to flush out of your system, as your body responds to the op you'll be sore, have some bruising, some women have shoulder pains, you'll have bloating due to the body protecting that area. I wouldn't say you'd be well enough for your exams, you'll be completely exhausted and still relying on pain meds plus resting time. I was signed off for 3 weeks for one lap and 5 weeks for the other; not saying yours will be that long.

You can get an extension on exams due to your extenuating circumstances if you have a sick note, so make sure you get one. You could go back to school ignoring your sick note, but say if you're in one day and off the next because you tried and feel awful due to your op recovery, and you have upcoming exams; any HR including school won't see that as an extenuating circumstances so won't take it into consideration.

See if you can have your specialist / surgeon talk to your mum and explain what's going on, how much time you need off and why.

Perhaps both go into school and ask to talk to the HR / your head of year / teacher and explain the situation, see what school advises - most likely they'll say they will be happy with whatever your doctor signs you off with, and take all the time you need. They do understand these situations.

Let us know how things go xx

Princesspeach84 profile image

Good luck xx

princessk09 profile image

Hey, everyone is different, I felt fine in a week and was back to my normal activities and the gym and I’m 19 nearly 20.

There are many factors such as what they do in surgery etc but you will be in a little pain 3-4 days after I had swelling and pain my my incisions area.

I’m at uni and I’m able to have extensions on essays and exams but I have to send a form in every time which is a pain but it may be different in school so you would have to ask what the process is xxx

BethanyAnn profile image

Hiya love, I’d reckon at least one week. You might want two weeks off if they end up treating any Endometriosis they find. Bare in mind that you’ll still be on regular pain medication and you may still be trying to get rid of the gas they pump you with after three days - could be embarrassing in class haha! The swelling is another factor, you might not fit into your school trousers/skirt for two/three weeks!

My advice, take at least a week with a sick note to use as proof for your exams and don’t push yourself because you’ll just end up exhausted and back at home anyway xx

Catness profile image

Hi Rubywoo,

I’ve copied and pasted a reply I gave someone the other day as I wrote a few tips down for their first lap - I hope you find some of this useful. Best of luck with the lap and like everyone is saying 2 weeks off is more realistic though everyone is different and you may feel better sooner. One of my first laps I was signed off work for 6 weeks so it just depends on how you heal xxx

I’m about to have my 6th lap and These are some of the tips I’ve learnt along the way..

I have answered questions about laps a few times so if you were to look through my ‘replies’ there will be a number of threads where myself and other people on here have given our ‘tips’ which you may find useful.

A couple off the top of my head however are to take a pillow to hospital so that for the car ride home you can put the pillow between your stomach and your seatbelt as it is quite uncomfortable.

One of the worst pains after the lap is, in my opinion, the trapped gas pain in your shoulder blades as they fill your tummy up with gas to see better. Peppermint tea really helps to disperse the gas as does little walks around the house whenever you feel able.

Also your tummy will be very swollen probably for 2-3 weeks. This is completely normal but it’s good to have clothes ready that aren’t constricting in any way (I like dresses because of this reason) and leggings with a high waist band that isn’t too tight.

After the lap you will be quite constipated from the general anaesthetic and the pain killers so until your first bowel movement don’t eat anything too stodgy. I tend to stick to veggies and light meals. Also ask for some Lactulose or Laxido which are stool softeners. They ease the pressure on your tum and make everything a lot easier. And also drink lots of fluids. This helps your digestion but is also just a good idea.

Don’t be surprised if you have a bit of a hard time emotionally after the lap for a couple of weeks. Post-op blues are experienced by many people and it can be quite unexpected. Just try and stay in as-positive-a-mindset as possible. You will get better but you need to give yourself time to heal. This is completely normal!

In regards to healing. Best not to put too many expectations on yourself such as you *should* be feeling better by this date. Everyone is different and bodies heal at different rates. I usually take 2 weeks to feel better in myself but 6 to feel totally back to normal. By week 3 I can usually leave the house to do a few errands. Others will bounce back a lot quicker (maybe 2). But don’t overdo it. Round about 2 weeks off work/ uni/ life is about right, but 3 is more realistic.

Take your painkillers regularly as opposed to chasing the pain when it comes on. This way you will be far more comfortable and your body won’t have to catch up.

Take some sanitary pads and big comfy Bridget-Jones style knickers to hospital. You WILL wake up with the megalodon of sanitary towels stuffed downstairs and being able to change into something more discreet just makes you feel better or at least does in my case 😂

If possible have someone at home to help you for a few days. It’s just a lot easier if you don’t have to worry about cooking or fixing yourself a meal as those first couple of days can be a little disorientating and tough. Also it’s just nice to be looked after for a bit! Also maybe write down some things you can enjoy during recovery or put out some of your favourite DVDs so you don’t have to think about it too much in the initial few days after.

Also try and remember to ask if you will need a check up with a nurse for wound care, and whether you arrange this or if the hospital does and also when your post-op check up will be and who arranges this.

I hope you find some of that helpful and very best of luck xxxxxx

Pink-Cat profile image

Hi. I took 10 days to recover, and the. Went back to work, however I was still soar and probably should have taken longer. Take care

Deluminum profile image

Hey, I had my op when I was 17 too.

Obviously everyone is different but 3-4 days is too soon, I had exams coming up with mine too but those first few days can be quite painful and you’ll need a lot of resting time.

I took two weeks off because being under general anaesthetic is incredibly draining and it takes a lot of time to be able to get up and move around again.

Take as long as you need to feel right again. Don’t rush yourself you need to do what is right for your body. After your first few days of resting try and do a short walk each day, even if it’s just 15 minutes. This helps you get back into a routine and the fresh air does wonders for your body.

Only you will know when you are ready to go back but my recommendation is at least 10 days, two weeks is best.

If you need any more advice or help please message me ❤️

Sarah x

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