How long to wait for laparoscopy since re... - Endometriosis UK

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How long to wait for laparoscopy since referral?

Rosiexx profile image
5 Replies


Last week I saw my endometriosis doctor, and signed the consent forms etc. for laparoscopic surgery, as well as getting a coil fitted and cauterisation in the same procedure.

I'm wondering how long people tend to have to wait for their surgeries? I'm in the southwest (Cornwall) if that makes any difference. I'd just like to have a rough idea of how long I will have to wait!

Thanks!! Xx

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5 Replies
luthien profile image

It can be up to 6 months wait I've heard as its the NHS and they can take forever, sometimes it could be longer.

Are you going to see an endo specialist or a general gynae? It really makes a difference; have a check of the BSGE website for specialist centers and consultants near you. Their wait is usually shorter and you know you'll be seeing someone specialised in looking for the endo and treating it properly. Also check out the NICE website Endometriosis , this will give you guidelines that specialist should follow to treat your endo.

Just something to bear in mind, if you have your coil fitted during your lap, docs usually won't touch it for up to 9 months as they say you have to get used to it. May be worth posting on here asking about what peoples experiences of the mirena are? It's a hormone so bear in mind it's side effects may be worse than your endo, but then again it may be fine for you.

Another thing to consider, what if you could ask for your endo to be excised at the same time as your diagnostic lap? A good specialist shouldn't want to just open you up have a look and put a coil in as ultimately the endo (if it's that) is still there and can still grow (slower sometimes with hormones) so eventually it'll get worse. Sorry to be honest about it but cauterisation doesn't sort endo out either - it just removes the top few layers of endo leaving it to grow underneath so it usually comes back quicker, excision removes the whole endo grown and a bit of healthy tissue so regrowth is less - this is the preferred option for endo specialists.

A good specialist will want to find out what the problem is, treat the problem then treat the remaining symptoms; that could mean a diagnostic with specialist excision of endo (like I had) then a few months later see how symptoms are and decide what to do next. I'm not on any hormones as they don't suit me, but after excision of endo I don't need hormones as I can manage my endo flareups around my period with normal painkillers. I had so many side effects from hormones before I saw a specialist that wanted to just excise the endo rather than a GP that only knows to treat the symptins,

I know it's not the answer you're looking for xx

Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to luthien

Hi, thank you for taking the time to reply and for your honesty.

I'm being seen in an endometriosis clinic and have been assured the surgeon will be a specialist in endometriosis and laparoscopies, which brings a lot of relief.

I've been on many different birth control pills, and am currently on the highest hormone one to try and stop the progression of endo, as it attempts to put me in a 'pseudo-pregnancy' state... However, I get lots of side effects, with the worst currently being anxiety and depression. I've got a history of mental health problems so my specialist has recommended the coil as the hormones are more localised to my pelvis, basically trying not to let too many hormones float around my body and brain!! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll write a post about the mirena coil as I think that would help.

The form I signed is consenting to investigation and excision too so it would be treated!

The cauterisation is for a soft spot in my womb... they called it an erosion and apparently it can occur on its own or be a symptom of endo so we'll see, but as far as I'm aware the cauterisation is to harden these cells... looking back at my post I didn't make that clear so sorry for the confusion!

I'm praying I wont have to wait too long, fingers crossed.

Thank you for your message, I hope you're well and I'm glad to hear you're able to manage your flare ups better now xxx

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Rosiexx

Ah okay, all makes sense :)

It's okay; easy to miss things that are just everyday to you. Sorry if my post now sounds a bit out of place!

You could call the center / surgeons secretary say in a months time and ask where you are on the list?

Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to luthien

No not at all! I think its because I'm constantly having discussions about it with doctors etc, I just assume everyone knows what I'm on about!!

That's a good idea, it's all a bit tricky because I'm right in the middle of my degree, living away from family, so I think the more I can plan around surgery the better.

Thanks for the advice :) xx

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Rosiexx

Plan in the time off too, as you'll be signed off for at least two weeks.

My first lap I was signed off for 2 but really needed 3 so self certified for 5 days myself. My second lap I was more clued up; and the docs signed me off for two, sa my specialist at my two week post op he signed me off for another 1. I saw my GP as I had a horrible first period so she signed me off for another two. Had 5 weeks off and I so needed it.

Oh that reminds me if you're planning, give yourself about 4 months to completely recover and for things to settle into a pattern, as the first few months are a bit worse because you're healing, hopefully you'll be fine


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