Hi all,
Some of you might remember my post about being very anxious about having a laparoscopy. I’m pleased to say that it was a lot less unpleasant than I expected and the whole experience was pretty smooth. I even got to go in first so only waited about an hour and a half!
It turns out I do have endometriosis - I had deposits on the walls of my pelvic cavity, in my pouch of Douglas, and I had adhesions sticking my bowel to my abdominal wall they cut the adhesions and ablated the deposits, which amazingly only took about 1 hr and 15 min.
I’m now sat on the sofa at home recovering. My recovery in the hospital was super smooth and I’ve never been so glad to see and eat a custard cream! However since I got home at 1pm today I’ve felt crap, really lethargic and the gas has made me feel really nauseous. I was actually sick after a particularly spirited burping session which was really not nice. My partner has gone to get rehydration salts for me as I’m feeling really sticky mouthed and washed out My incisions are hurting now and have bled a bit onto the dressings - is this normal? Sorry, I’m just anxious now about recovering well and since I look incredibly pasty and feel so weak it’s hard not to want reassurance!