Hi lovely people 🌼
I’m wondering if a laparoscopy can also look for signs of or diagnose Inflammatory Bowel Disease, at same time as looking for endo?
I have my first lap tomorrow where they will be looking for endo (my sister has diagnosed endo and I have matching symptoms), however if they don’t find any gynae problems my second suspected diagnosis is some form of IBD.
Can anyone tell me if you get the opportunity to speak to a doctor before having the laparoscopy?
I’m not sure what the process is for diagnosing IBD - I’m due to see a gastro specialist on 11th Feb.
I have mentioned this to the gynaecologist that approved my lap however I’m not sure if the doctor performing my lap will be aware of this and will also check my intestines etc?
Any advice would be gratefully appreciated 💛 Thank you! X