In tears: Morning, so I woke up at 5 in... - Endometriosis UK

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In tears

Xroisinellenx profile image
4 Replies

Morning, so I woke up at 5 in pain, took a codine and ibuprofen went back to bed thinking fingers crossed I will wake up again and my pain won’t be as bad, but of course wake up at 7 and the pain is just as bad. I have work at 9 and I really don’t no what to do.

I work in a supermarket and obviously it’s Christmas Eve so ringing in sick is a big no on Christmas Eve but I literally could hardly move and felt sick. So I rang in, the store manager answered I was in tears on the phone saying I’m really sorry my pain is too bad I can’t come in. His response was well I understand your in pain but it’s Christmas Eve, we need to sort this out when you come back we need to sit down resolve this!

How can I resolve endometriosis! I was off in September for my first lap, I’m waiting to see a new consultant in February. 😢 I’m literally sat in tears.

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4 Replies
Bettybloo profile image

Oh sweetie, I'm sorry you're feeling rubbish. It sounds like you did the right thing in staying home.

Is there anything you can do in the meantime like an emergency GP appointment to see if they can give you a different painkiller?

Look after yourself.

LittleG22 profile image

Endometriosis UK has a leaflet on your rights in the workplace, which may help:

I am very lucky to have a boss whose wife had it so is sympathetic. I can see that your boss is stessed about being left short-handed but you can't work if you can't move.

If I were you I would describe your pain when you go back in. Be as desciptive as possible, stabbing pulling etc. It may be that he doesn't know what it is as well, many people don't so make sure he does. Maybe print out one of the endo uk leaflets that describe what it is. I would also say what you are doing to try and make your pain manageable. Have you seen an endo specialist? Have you got referred to a bsge centre? Have you got referred to a pain clinic? That will show him that you are trying to improve things and that you are sympathetic to his business perspective but also that you are not making this up.

Also if it is affecting your quality of life (and your work) so much you need to shout louder (not literally) at the doctors. It makes me so angry that women like you are just expected to deal with so much pain when if this was a man they would have cured this disease by now.

Good luck. I'm sending you a virtual hug. X

Missy100 profile image

I feel so bad for you, because I understand what it is like to be in excruciating pain. You did the right thing calling in. You can hardly be expected to function properly in that state. You need to try and get in to your gp and see if your medication can be adjusted. You may find you need a stronger anti inflammatory like naproxen or Mefenamic Acid. I take Tramadol and Mefenamic Acid and liberally use microwave heat bags (yes in plural) and still have points where I cant even function or think straight for pain, never mind work in a busy atmosphere where I need to attend to others.

While I appreciate your manager may be more concerned with shift filling and covering work loads than your suffering (in my past experience retail can be horribly unforgiving), you also have rights. Please make use of the link another replier has posted and arm yourself with that valuable information. If you are unionised, also make use of that tool if possible to discuss with a rep, beforehand, so you go into any meeting or discussion fully aware of your rights.

StefaniaJW profile image

Sounds like your job is quite stressful and might have made your endo come back earlier than expected. Did a real endo surgeon with extensive experience perform laparoscopy on you? Because a regular gynecologist would only make it worse! Pain management is not a great solution for endo as pain will worsen and worsen if not taken care of. You absolutely need this new consultant (February sounds like very far though!), who I hope is a REAL endo expert.

Are you taking dienogest or norethisterone-based birth control right now? Are you following an endo diet? Are you taking any supplements?

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